Fifty Three | Restricted*

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Fifty Three | Restricted*


My mother used to read me fairy tale bed time stories. Not the usual kind but those crafted by two Grimm brothers. With many censored scenes and covered pictures I found myself loving these tales. Tales written in blood, that dried black.

I hadn't learned the real stories until mom was long dead.

But I remember the one of the cinder girl. With a glass slipper and crows that picked out eyes of the greedy. I remember the slick words describing when that slipper was tossed onto the ground and shattered. Those shattered shards exploding like diamonds. Raining down from the wall.

I imagine it looked something like this.

"Cover your face!" Sebastian shouted, his arm flying towards my head.

The world moved in slow motion as Ash realized his mistake. Ash tackled Kira, knocking her to the ground and covering her. Sebastian hugged my face, his own back to the falling glass as it rained. It rained like hail that had no regards to melt. It struck like teeth, demanding blood.

I could feel it dig into my arms and judging by the screams around us I was sure I had gotten off lightly. Sebastian grunted loudly, his arms tightening around me as his own body was struck by the small knives. Silence fell over us then, and very slowly Sebastian pulled away.

"You're hurt," I whispered.

He pushed me back, careful to keep his blood away from me, "Don't touch me love."

I nodded, thinking nothing of it as I looked onto the others. I had only seen such sights from the hunger of dead men. David was still and silent as his body covered Kira. I could see blood drenched chunks in his legs and back. Kira seemed much luckier, a few scratches on her exposed skin.

Numbly, I turned towards Omar. He stood shaking, covering his face with his arms. Also covered in bloody scratches, but otherwise unharmed. Ash wasn't so lucky as a shard the size of my thumb stuck out of his eye.

I blinked and suddenly the world came crashing back down.

"Son of a bitch!" he screamed clutching his eye.

Kira was sobbing, "David! Oh god, David wake up!"

"You bastard," I snarled storming over to Ash.

In one tug I ripped the shard free. He screamed, blood gushing. I rose my sword to his neck, pure fury boiling through my blood as I stared down at him. My hand was stopped however, by Sebastian whose wounds had already healed.

"Don't," he warned, "It was an accident."

"That has us completely fucked," I hissed.

"Which isn't worth making us even more fucked by killing one of us. Your eyes are red again too. Calm down and regain your senses," he retorted.

"David wake up," Kira cried making me look over to her.

Sebastian pulled me towards her, "Go. I'll deal with these two. I trust you Mira."

I stumbled, his words hitting me more than his movement. He said he trusted me but how valuable was that to me? My heart fluttered as my brain decided it wasn't worth ruining. Sebastian had earned his respect from me and now I wished to repay that.

So I moved towards David and Kira who was no longer under him. Instead she was beside him. The moment I reached the two, I dropped to my knees ignoring the glass around us. It burned less than being bitten.

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