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"YES! I did it!!"

Minji makes a weird funny dance, her short hair being pulled up into a messy bun while her small pretty face is covered in flour. She looks at the fresh steaming cookies, her smile widens and she continues dancing in happiness.

She finally stops, she excitingly puts a few of the freshly made cookies in a plate and rushes out of the kitchen "I have to show Ji Young!"

"Ji Young!! You won't believe-"

Minji immediately stops talking, hiding behind the door leading to Ji Young's bedroom. Careful not to make a sound, she peeks though the crack of the door.

Her smile faints away and she quickly enters the bedroom "Sweetie what wrong?"

"M-Minji??" Ji Young quickly hides her face, sniffing loudly "Nothing's wrong"

"Ji Young you're clearly upset" Minji leaves the plate on the desk and falls on her knees right in front of her friend who's sitting on the bed. She rests her hands on her knees, trying to see her face "Why are you crying what's wrong?"

"It's just...that..." Ji Young slowly reveals her face, Minji didn't get to react when she pulls her into a tight hug "Han Byeol will release his first r&b album!!"

"WHAT" Minji pulls away to look at her roommate, she almost cursed at the sight of Ji Young's wide smile "Yes!! He just called me to tell me the news isn't it great?!"

"Kim Ji Young"

Ji Young frowns at Minji's mad expression "What's wrong with your-"

"You scared me!" Minji suddenly raises her voice, shaking Ji Young's shoulders "I saw you cry and thought something bad happened you idiot"

Ji Young was about to speak but she only gasps as Minji hugs her tightly, realizing how worried her friend was.

Smiling, she brings a hand up to pat her back, feeling bad to have scared her "MJ, you sweet little thing"

"Shut up" Minji scoffs, pushing her away and making her laugh.

Ji Young then notices her face, she smiles wider as she brings her hand up to wipe the flour off her cheeks "Why are you covered in flour?"

Minji's mood changes instantly, a bright smile appears on her face as she grabs the plate and offers it to Ji Young "Look! I made these!"

Ji Young's eyes widen and she brings a hand up to cover her mouth "Oh my God! They're not burned at all!!"

"Ya!" Minji hits her on the shoulder and Ji Young chuckles "I'm kidding, wow they look amazing"

"Try one!" Minji proudly offers one to her friend who gladly accepts the sweet treat. Her whole face brightens up at the surprised look on Ji Young's face "Is it good?"

"It's delicious" Ji Young smiles, eating some more "Well done MJ"

Minji smiles, feeling proud of her achievement. She watches Ji Young eat a second one and a third one.

Ji Young was about to eat some more but then Minji pulls the plate away from her, her brows furrow "Ya!"

"Don't eat everything! If you're hungry eat some instant noodles"

"Why not??"

"Because I need to save some for Han Byeol" Minji quickly stands up and leaves, trying to hide her flushed cheeks.

Ji Young rushes after the cookies, confused by her friend's words "Wait did you say, these are for Han Byeol? Like, the artist I'm working with?"

"Yeah! And what's wrong with that? I just want to congratulate him on his album! That's all!" Minji suddenly snaps, leaving the plate on the counter as soon as they enter the kitchen.

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon