59."Just On Time"

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Chanyeol slowly regains his consciousness, the pain piercing though his mind as he slowly opens his eyes.

He carefully pushes his weight up with his hands and sits up on the bed. He looks around the room to realize he's inside a hospital room.

'How did I get here'

As it seems, he is alone in the room, still he can hear muffled voices outside the door but he can't understand what they're saying.

He drags himself to the edge of the bed and stands up, putting on his shoes that someone removed for him and left under the bed. He also finds his phone and keys on the bedside table, his black jacket is neatly hanging on the chair at the corner of the room.

Still confused and with his head in pain, he grabs his stuff and decides to leave this place and look for answers outside.

As soon as he opens the door he finds Baekhyun and Minji sitting at the waiting area, talking about something.

They notice him immediately and quickly stand up "Chanyeol! You're up" Minji looks at him with relief but he can still see worry in her eyes.

"What's going on? How did we get here?" His eyes move back and forth between the two of them who are looking at him with sad eyes. They exchange looks before Baekhyun walks back inside the room that he just walked out from "Let's talk here, we shouldn't draw attention"

Chanyeol and Minji follow him and he closes the door "Sit down" he gestures towards the bed and Chanyeol obeys, impatient to hear his explanation.

Minji sits next to him. She gives him a friendly pat on the back.

Chanyeol gives her a smile in return, she's a really sweet girl and it's nice that Baekhyun found someone like her.

"You don't remember anything?" Baekhyun's voice drags his attention back to him and Chanyeol frowns in response, making him continue "You left the dorm to look for Ji Young-"

"Ji Young!" Chanyeol's eyes widen in realisation and he jumps on his feet "Where is she?? I found her..."

Minji looks worriedly at Baekhyun but he seems to have everything under control "Chanyeol listen to me" he holds the taller's shoulders and pushes him back down to his seat "It's okay. She's okay"

Chanyeol feels his heartbeat calm down at the sound of his words. She's okay. The love of his life is alive.

"She's...alive?" He asks in a trembling voice, pulling his guard down and allowing his friends to see his weak side. Minji and Baekhyun nod in unison and Chanyeol feels overwhelmed with gratitude.

He lowers his head in his hand, the other one balling the bed sheets in his fist. A few tears fall from his squeezed shut eyes and his lips tremble. The awful memories come back to his mind. How he found Ji Young lying unconscious in the empty bathtub. How cold her skin felt when he held her tightly, how her eyes wouldn't open when he called her name repeatedly or how her lips were frozen when he kissed her.

It's all too much and he can't hold back the sobs. Minji rubs her hand on his back affectionately, her eyes already watery with tears threatening to fall "Shh...It's alright it's over now" she continues rubbing his back while he cries in his hand.

Baekhyun bites his lips and breathes out. He walks over to them and pats his shoulder.

Minji raises her eyes to him and he looks back at her with a soft smile, telling her that it's going to be okay.

His smile and sweet eyes help her relax and she nods, smiling back.


"Can I see her? Please"

Baekhyun sighs for the millionth time "I told you Chanyeol. No one is allowed to see her yet"

Chanyeol frowns, crossing his arms "I have to see her..."


Baekhyun looks up to see Minji pointing on her wrist watch "You have recording in an hour"

"Ah that's right" he runs his fingers in his hair, "I forgot about it"

"You should go, I'll stay"

He then feels a warm pair of hands hold his and he looks at Minji. She gives him a reassuring smile, her eyes hold so much meaning that they don't need to speak to understand each other. She's really special. Baekhyun is now sure that there's a place in his heart that she stays in.

He finally smiles back and stands on his feet. He gives her a kiss on the head before whispering in her ear "Thank you for looking after him"

Minji's smile widens and she lightly nods in response. She then takes his place and seats next to Chanyeol on the bed "Go" she gestures for him to go on.

"Chanyeol-ah" he calls his friend's name and they make eye contact "We'll talk on the phone. Stay strong okay?"

Chanyeol only nods in response and looks down at his hands again.

Baekhyun feels hesitant but eventually he leaves the room.

Once they're alone, Minji's eyes follow Chanyeol's on his hands.

They both stay quiet, observing the silver ring and chain in his hands.

Minji decides to break the silence "Do you..want some coffee? Or something to eat?"

Chanyeol takes a few seconds to answer "No" he looks at her "Thank you"

Minji gives him a smile and rubs his back with her hand as he looks down again. If the situation wasn't this critical she would be laughing at how someone so big and visually powerful can be so emotional and cute. The duality is amazing.

A few moments later a nurse enters the room after a knock.

They both lift up their eyes as she approaches them "How are you feeling sir?"

"I'm fine" Chanyeol stands up "How is Ji Young- I mean Kim Ji Young?"

The nurse gives him a soft smile "Don't worry about her. She was found right on time and we managed to save her"

Chanyeol lets out a heavy breath, feeling the weight on his chest becoming lighter and more bearable.

The nurse sees that he feels relieved "She just regained her consciousness, would you like to see her?"

His eyes widen and his heart races at the sound of these words "Y-Yes! Yes please show me the way"

"This way" The nurse leads them outside to the hallway.

Oof what a relief! Everyone is okay at last.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Have fun today, eat yummy sweets and say 'I love you' to your love ones~

Sorry for the cliffhanger but you know me hehe ><

I'll see you soon! Vote and Comment please!!

~I love you all,

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now