17."Secrets Between Friends"

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"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Huh?" Ji Young's eyes lift to him, his warm voice interrupted her deep thoughts.

Baekhyun lets out a low chuckle, pointing his chopsticks to her full bowl of Shabu Shabu soup "You haven't even touches your food. I don't think I cooked it that bad"

Ji Young chuckles, shaking her hands "Ani-ah" she gives him a sweet smile and grabs her pair of chopsticks "I'm just not that hungry"

Baekhyun pouts "Lair. You just don't want to eat my delicious Shabu!" He points towards the communal pot that's placed at the center of the table "I cooked this for you"

Ji Young laughs at his pouty face "I said it's not that! I'm sure it tastes great"

"It really does" he firmly confirms, eating some more.

She simply shakes her head in disbelief, the smile never leaving her face.

He quietly observes her as she finally grabs her pair of chopsticks. He frowns.

Just now he realizes how much she has changed since the last time he saw her. More than two years ago.

His eyes carefully scan her slim face, her cute pink cheeks are gone and her once round face is now slim and pale. Her eyes are still extremely beautiful, but the sparkle in them is no longer there.

Back then, she used to be cute and girly, but now she looks more mature and a bit torn.

Ji Young's eyes widen in surprise as she feels his fingers grabbing her wrist.

She looks up to him, his smile is gone and a deadly serious expression appears on his face "You've lost so much weight" he feels her skinny wrist with his fingers.

She lowers her eyes to the bowl in front her. Baekhyun only tightens the grab on her wrist "Aren't you taking care of yourself?"

He just then notices her sad eyes and decides to calm down and be more gentle with her.

He takes a deep breath, lowers her hand on the surface of the table and his fingers move from her wrist to her hand, holding it gently.

"Ji Young-ssi, mian" he slightly squeezes her hand "It's just, I've been so worried about you and seeing you like this... Remember when you would scold me for skiping my meals?"

At the memory of his thin face and skinny shoulders Ji Young unconsciously lifts her eyes to him. Her heart feels at ease at the sight.

His healthy skin glows under the yellowish lights, the sides of his face look rounder but still manly. She also notices that he's bigger, his shoulders and chest look wider and more muscular under the tight black turtleneck.
'He must have been working out'

"Baekhyun-ah, geokjeongma" (don't worry) she squeezes his hand back, giving him a tired smile "You don't need to worry about me. C'mon, let me hear about your life lately. How are your group members doing?"

Baekhyun smiles again, but still worried about her state "Everyone is okay. Well, not everyone actually"

She immediately realizes whom he's referring to and her smile faints away.

"Ji Young-ssi. He's been having a really hard time"

She slowly lets go of his hand and lowers her head.

"Chanyeol waited for you, even now he still loves you-"

"I know. Baek" She cuts him off and he nods "Great. Now that you know that he feels the same why don't you guys go back together?"
'I can't believe I keep trying to bring you back to him when my feelings for you are stronger than ever'

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now