15."Move On"

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"That was Park Chanyeol back there, right?"

Ji Young can feel Han Byeol's eyes from beside her staring directly at her, she keeps her gaze on the road, driving "Uh"

"Like, EXO Chanyeol, right?" He asks amazed, still not able to believe that his manager actually knows EXO.

"Uh mata" she rolls her eyes "Can we change the subject now?"

"De Noona" Han Byeol looks at the road ahead, still smiling.

Seconds later he speaks again "But why did he act so strange?"

"Ugh, Han Byeol-"

"I mean, you must be really close for him to act like that but he didn't really seem happy to see you" he frowns in confusion "When he grabbed you like that I almost lost it" without realizing it, his fists ball on his knees at the memory of the incident.

Ji Young shakes her head "Please don't jump into conclusions" she tries to come up with a convincing explanation "Chanyeol-" she corrects herself "I mean, Park Chanyeol is a really sweet person"

"He cherishes his friends and family and he takes care of everyone around him well. That guy... I don't know he like, he has that flame, his passion for music is incomparable and he-"

She suddenly stops talking, noticing Han Byeol's smirk. She quickly hides her red cheeks by turning her head the other way, still looking at the road.

"What exactly is your relationship with that Hyung? How come you know each other?" He asks curiously, his eyes sparkle as his lips turn into a huge grin.

"Um...well," Ji Young thinks fast "I used to work as his personal assistant"

"Woah!" She almost lost control of the wheel at the sudden sound of his loud shouting "Are you kidding?! My manager is a former manager of EXO?"

She chuckles at his cute reaction "I was only Park Chanyeol's manager, not EXO's" he carelessly shakes his hand "Yeah yeah whatever it sounds the same to me"

Han Byeol is unable to believe her last words. As a rookie artist who just made his debut, EXO is like his role model, they are one of the top kpop groups in the world.

"Woah daebak~" his gaze is lost outside the window, all he can think about is that he was lucky enough to meet Ji Young. He thinks she must be really experienced and now he trusts her even more.

Ji Young sighs in relief.
'Seems like he forgot about today's incident...for now'

She takes a turn and keeps driving through the busy road, hundreds of thoughts spin inside her head.

'I saw him. I shouldn't have but I missed him so much I'm so glad to see him so healthy'

'I can't believe he said he loves me... he loved me back then and he still does'

'He didn't forget me... oh my God my heart is racing so fast'

Her thoughts were interrupted by Han Byeol's voice. He's singing loudly along to a new korean r&b song on the radio. His voice sweet and smooth, but deep and manly. She loves it. She knows how talented that boy is and she wants to do her best to promote him properly, in order to let the world know about his talent.

She stays focused on the road.

'I should forget about today'

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO Chanyeolحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن