23."What Could Go Wrong"

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Ji Young quickly rushes to the parked car near the entrance of the apartment building.

She jumps inside the car and shuts the door "You finally came"

Baekhyun turns to her, he can't help but stare since she looks extremely pretty. Her hair is down, she wears light make-up and the peach shade on her lips matches well with her excited mood.

He gives her a smile "Something came up. Sorry to be late"

He then grabs the wheel and starts driving.

Ji Young reads his face while putting her seatbelt on "What's wrong?"

Although he's extremely happy to see her after a month, he still thinks about poor Sehun and worries about him.

Ji Young quickly noticed his worried expression and repeats herself "What's wrong Baek? Something happened?"

"Well," Baekhyun sighs, keeping his eyes on the road "Sehun's friend from home passed away"

"Oh my God" Ji Young brings her hands up to cover her mouth, completely dumbfounded. That was not something she was expecting to hear.

"Is Sehunie okay?" She asks right after and Baekhyun simply shrugs his shoulders "I'm not sure. He took it pretty bad and I stayed with him for a while. Right now he must be on his way to his parents' house"

Silence falls inside the car. Only the loud engine of Baekhyun's Audi can be heard.

The traffic light turns red and Baekhyun stops the car. He lets his head fall in his hands, letting out a deep sigh.

Ji Young watches him quietly. She feels bad for Sehun and the boy's family. She wants to ask more about what happened but she refrains from doing so as she sees how tensed Baekhyun is at the moment.

She simply places her hand on his back "You're worried about Sehunie aren't you?" Her hand creates circles on his back, affectionately.

Baekhyun lifts his head. His eyes first check the traffic light before moving to the girl next to him "I am. He's really sensitive when it comes to family and friends"

"I noticed that while I was spending time with you and the other members" Ji Young agrees and Baekhyun gives her a nod.

She pulls her hand back and sighs "But I also know that he's strong. He'll go through it like a grown man"

Baekhyun's heart melts at the sight of her sweet smile "He'll be fine. He's not alone"

"So try to loosen up a little, okay?" She playfully elbows him "Let's have some fun tonight"

"Uh, komawoyo Ji Young-ssi" he finally smiles and she feels proud to see him feeling better. She points towards the traffic light above them "Oh, green!"

Baekhyun keeps his eyes on her for a few seconds more before turning ahead and starting to drive.


Baekhyun and Ji Young walk to the entrance. She stops and turns to him, gives him a friendly smile "I had a great time Baek"

"Me too" Baekhyun's smile widens. They spent the night at a small ramen place near by and had a few drinks together. Well, only Ji Young had a few.

She then looks towards his car and back to him, slightly worried "So, you're sure you can drive?"

Baekhyun rolls his eyes away, smiling "For the tenth time Ji Young-ssi, yes" he eyes her, tipsy "I only had a couple of drinks"

'But you don't drink'
Ji Young sighs, taking her key out "Alright. If you insist"

She unlocks the entrance door and was about to close it when she notices Baekhyun's puppy eyes looking straight at her.

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now