28."Almost Friends"

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One week later

Chanyeol checks the time on his Rolex wrist watch. He sighs, impatient.

His arms are crossed on his chest as he keeps tapping his foot on the ground.
'Where is this kid'

Keeping his head low, he glances at both sides of the road. He notices two young girls walking his way and he quickly looks the other way, lowering his cap with his hand to further hide his face.

The girls soon pass him without even noticing him. Chanyeol sighs in relief and looks at the building ahead of him.

He finally sees the young boy run to him "Hyung! I'm here"

"C'mon kid what's taking you so long" Chanyeol rolls his eyes and grabs Han Byeol's bag, he throws it at the backseat of his car "If we're late Ji Young will kill me"

"Joesonghamnida" Han Byeol formally apologizes, bowing and lowering his head to acknowledge his mistake.

Chanyeol simply rolls his eyes and enters the driver's seat "Kaja"

"De Hyung!" Han Byeol's bright smile appears again and he jumps inside the car. He still can't believe that he's spending so much time with his idol.

Chanyeol starts the car, without taking his eyes off the road he reminds Han Byeol of his seatbelt and the younger quickly puts it on.

Being four years older than him, Chanyeol acts strict around him. He has no intention of becoming friends with him, since he doesn't really like that boy.

Han Byeol on the other side is head over heels for being close to Park Chanyeol. Growing up as a teenager he would always listen to EXO's songs and admire Chanyeol's rapping skills, but also his singing and composing skills.

Chanyeol quickly checks Han Byeol's schedule that Ji Young has written down for him in a small agenda. A small smile forms on his lips at the sight of her handwriting.

He then speeds up, never breaking the limit. Even though he's only looking straight ahead he can feel Han Byeol's eyes piercing him.

He sighs "What is it?"

"Nothing!" Han Byeol quickly looks away, biting his lips and mentally cursing himself.

"So" Chanyeol decides to start a conversation to find out more about him "You're singing ballads right?"

Han Byeol's smile returns and he turns his eyes to him "Right. Although I really love your rapping skills Hyung! I wish my company would let me sing in this style too"

"You mean, you don't like ballads?" Chanyeol raises a brow and Han Byeol hesitates to answer "T-that's not it! I like ballads I really do!"

"It's just that-" Han Byeol struggles to find the right words, the young man frowns as he thinks hard "-I just...let's just say that my company is a bit strict"

Chanyeol quietly peeks at the boy next to him, staying focused on driving.
'Are they forcing him into ballads? Doesn't he do what he wants?'

"Anyways!" Han Byeol's smile quickly returns, his excited mood returns "I can't wait for today's interview! Although I'm a little nervous"

"Is it your first?" Chanyeol raises a brow and Han Byeol nods in response, even though he can't see him "Yeah"

Chanyeol simply sighs and drives.


The staff were confused and surprised at first to see Park Chanyeol as the rookie's assistant. He acted cold and asked for them to finish up quickly since he is in a rush, and that he needs to assist the new artist because of some events that occurred.

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