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Ji Young finally sees a taxi coming her way and quickly raises her hand to get the driver's attention.

But the taxi doesn't pull over and passes by her without stopping. Ji Young groans in annoyance, lifting her hands up in the air in desperation. This was the third taxi to pass and she's been already waiting to get one for over half an hour.

She sighs, bringing her hands to the sides of her waist and looking up, desperate "Aish"

The night sky above her looks ominent. Dark and totally star-less, the bright moon is the only source of light up there.

She checks the time on her phone and sighs. 3:45 am

"Ah! Forget it I'll just walk" she talks to herself and starts walking to the subway.

The streets are dead at this hour. Only a couple of cars pass by, no people can be seen around. The city is so silent and uncrowded. The faint sound of a light breeze airing through the leaves of the blossom trees is her only company as the girl slowly passes by the large park.

Ji Young actually enjoys her long walk. She prefers it like this, the peaceful silence. Even though she didn't drink, her head is starting to hurt from staying up all night. Gladly next day is Sunday and it's her day off from work.

After walking for a good forty minutes Ji Young is starting to feel extremely tired. Her legs are in pain and her eyes can hardly stay open.

She lets out a yawn "Ah..I need a break" she searches around and finds some stairs to sit down and rest for a couple of minutes.

Taking a seat, she gets her phone out to check the distance to the subway from where she's at the moment. Her sleepy eyes widen at the screen.

She isn't even half the way there yet.

The sleepy girl lets out a whimper, letting her head fall heavy inside her hands.
'Maybe I should have let Baekhyun give me a ride'

"Oh!! What do we have here!!"

Her head shoots up to the sound of loud voices coming from a bit further. Being extremely sleepy she stuggles to focus, but she soon notices a group of five men walking down the street.

"Hey pretty lady!! What are you doing over there?!"

"Are you lonely?!"

Ji Young's blood freezes at the realization that they're referring to her. Terrified, she watches the drunk men clumsily walk to her direction.

The sleepy feeling she was earlier feeling is long gone and replaced by adrenaline rush. Afraid of what five wasted middle-aged men could possibly want for a young girl such as herself, she wastes no more time and stands up, walking the opposite way.

She can clearly hear their histeric laughter and drunk words towards her "Ya! Kajima!" (Don't go!)
"We just want to get to know you!!"

Ji Young quickens her pace, trying to remain calm and not run, not to show how scared she is. She looks around, desperately searching for any other person to ask for help but it's too late and only drunk and crazy people wonder around at this hour.

Having no idea where she's heading to, she only focuses on getting away from those creeps who are following her.

She suddenly hears fast steps coming from behind her and she starts to run, even more terrified.

A hand grabs her wrist so aggressively, making her stop and turn around.

She lifts her wide open eyes to the man holding her. He's panting heavily and he's close enough to her face for her to smell the strong alcohol in his breath.

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now