9."The Plan"

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"We're here" Baekhyun points out as Chanyeol takes the right turn, the apartment building is right at the end of the straight road.

He takes a careful look at the surroundings "You think any fans will see us?" Both he and Chanyeol are wearing facemasks and hoods to hide their identity.

Chanyeol quickly parks the car and opens his door "I don't think so. It's late and they dont know we're here" he gets out and Baekhyun follows him inside the building.

They hurridly enter the elevator and soon arrive at the right floor. Chanyeol leads the way across the dark hallway, he stops outside the apartment.

He takes out the key but Baekhyun stops him "Wait, what if it's not her?"

Chanyeol lowers his mask "What if it is her?"

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun also lowers his mask, rolling his eyes away "What if that person is still inside?" he tries to sound reasonable "It's going to get complicated"

"Let's find out then" Chanyeol raises a brow and quickly unlocks before Baekhyun can protest again.

They both become dead-serious as the door crack opens, no light coming out.

Chanyeol pushes the door further open and they both stare inside the pitch black apartment, trying to make out any form of figure inside the darkness.

"Turn on the lights" Baekhyun whispers and Chanyeol blindly searches the wall for the light switch.

The lights turn on, one is flickering and another one is out, but still there's enough light for them to observe the empty room.

They walk inside, "I'll check the kitchen, you get the bedroom and bathroom" Baekhyun whispers to him before they split up.

After a few seconds Chanyeol enters the kitchen "Nothing"

"Same" Baekhyun talks in a louder voice since no one seems to be around.

Chanyeol sighs heavily, he furiously runs his fingers in his black hair "We came all this way for nothing"

"Maybe" Baekhyun crosses his arms, his brows furrow as he thinks "Maybe not"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Chanyeol asks in confusion and Baekhyun narrows his eyes as he tries to figure out the situation "Think about it, the person that came in using a key. They didn't break in"

"Maybe they were looking for something"

At first Chanyeol can't think of anyway how this could be an possible "Like what-" suddenly an idea hits him and he freezes at the spot.

Baekhyun's eyes widen "What? You know something?"

Chanyeol thinks of a plan that he never thought about before in the past two years of looking for the girl. A mysterious smile appears on his face "I think I have a way to find this person"


Baekhyun's eyes scan the papers for the 10th time "How come I had no idea that these existed?"

"Simple. We haven't been exactly close the last two years" Chanyeol explains as he finishes preparing the piano.

"Give me that" he grabs the blue folder out of Baekhyun's hands. He takes out the notes of one song and places them on the board.

Baekhyun's sighs, he relaxes in his chair. He takes a look around the room. It's actually been some time since the last time he visited Chanyeol's private studio.

He turns to him, observes him studying the notes "So, you're saying that you found these two years ago, inside Ji Young's apartment"

Chanyeol nods "The day you told me she was gone"

365 Days NOT To Fall In Love; STAR LOVERS // EXO ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now