Chapter 26 : Out of Breath

Start from the beginning

''ANYTHING is fine with me, I'm a quick learner. Please help me get stronger!'' he pleaded.

Yu looked around, scratching her head, thinking of a way she could teach Jungkook how to fight without accidentally punching a hole through his ribcage.

She saw a daisy flower and picked it up before tucking the bottom of the stem into the waistband of her leggings.

''I don't want to hurt you, so I'll play defense and you'll play offence. Your goal is to take the flower and my goal is to protect it. Got it?''

''Y-yeah, I'll try.'' Jungkook said, swallowing loudly when he glanced down at Yu's stomach.

Talking to her was hard enough already, if he accidentally touched her he might faint.

''Make your move, I'm ready anytime.'' The girl said, taking a defensive stance.

Jungkook was nervous, so he took the straight approach and just leaned in to grab the flower. Yu jumped back and gently pushed down on his shoulder. Thanks to his forward momentum, this little push was enough to make him fall down face first on the ground.

''If your movements are predictable, not only can your enemy dodge them, but they can also use them against you...'' Yu explained.

The only thing more embarrassing for Jungkook than interecting with a girl was to lose at something. Seeing how easily Yu dealt with him was all the motivation he needed to stop holding back.

Jungkook used a sweeping kick to try and knock Yu of her feet but she effortlessly jumped over the kick when it arrived.

Jungkook sprung up from the ground, aiming his right fist at her ribs. When Yu deflected his movement with her palm, he took the opportunity to reach for the flower with his left hand.

He thought his hand was about to close on the stem when Yu's waist rotated to the side and the air was knocked out of his lung by a kick to the stomach.

He stumbled backwards and struggled to stay upright.

''You can't feint with just your body, you also need to feint with your eyes. I knew you were going for the flower from the get go, because you were staring at it. When you look away from your enemy you can't see their counter coming. Keep your eyes moving.'' Yu said.

''Yes!'' he said.

Jungkook ran forward towards Yu and aimed for her face with a long punch, well aware that she was too capable to really get hurt from such an easy hit. She stepped to the side and grabbed his arm when it was fully extended, blocking his elbow and forcing him to go down on his knees.

'' Leaving your arm so far away from your body for so long is making you vulnerable. You need to close the gap between you and your enemy, that way you don't need too much extension and you don't lose all your momentum. Think of throwing a punch the same as throwing a ball. If you send me a slow one from afar I'll catch it easily. So you need to throw me a fast ball from up close so I don't have time to adjust to its trajectory before it lands.'' Yu explained.

''You're actually quite good at this teaching thing, I'm used to the hyungs sugar coating everything but you're pretty direct.'' Jungkook noted.

''You won't learn if I lie to you and say you're good at this. And also don't aim for the cheek in an actual battle, that's not gonna do any damage, except if you hit hard enough to actually give someone a concussion.'' Yu added

''Where should I hit then? '' Jungkook asked.

''A hit to the ear can make you go dizzy and lose balance, a broken nose will make your eyes teary and reduce your vision, the throat is especially sensible, it will make you lose your breath and if you're lucky enough you can actually crush a windpipe and kill someone in seconds!'' The girl said with way too much enthousiasm for the subject matter at hand.

''I'm not gonna ask how you know all of that...''

''That's good, you don't wanna know. Keep those hands up, you throat is open.''

Jungkook dove forward again and tried to land a couple of quick punches to Yu's sides and face, but she managed to dodge all of them.

''That's better.'' The girl said.

Jungkook kept trying to land a hit, but he wasn't close to fast enough and he was already getting tired. He hadn't tried a kick yet. When Yu had done it he was thrown off, maybe the surprise could give him an edge too.

He lifted his knee first and unfolded his leg into a pretty high kick, but from the smile on Yu's face he could tell she had seen him coming from a mile away.

She took a step back and caught his foot with one hand.

''I won't tell you why this was a bad idea; I'll show you instead.'' Yu said before yanking his leg up and rotating his foot to the side, effectively making Jungkook lose his balance and fall on is back.

He landed with a thud and stayed down, panting on the forest's floor.

''I give up, I need a break...''Jungkook admitted, trying to catch his breath.

Yu smiled down at him and went to lay by his side amongst the fallen leaves. She took the daisy and dangled it in front of the boy's face teasingly.

''Giving up already? But you didn't even come close to catching it!'' Yu said playfully.

Jungkook turned his head away from the flower.

''Aww are you pouting because you didn't manage to catch it?'' she teased him.

Suddenly, Jungkook gripped her arm that was holding the flower and Yu immediately grabbed his free hand so he couldn't reach for it.

Without even thinking, he stopped to fight back and instead closed his hand on Yu's.

They were now both lying on their sides, perfectly immobile, hand in hand. There was no sound but the wind making the leaves dance in the trees.

Yu grabbing his hand had not only stopped Jungkook in his track, but it had almost made his heart stop too.

She was crazy strong, but her hand felt small and soft in his, that was enough to remind him that she was very much a girl.

When he met her eyes after an instant of silence, he was forced to notice that not only she was a girl, but she was a beautiful one too.

He let go of her arm and looked at the flower.

''C-can I try something?'' he asked, struggling to keep his voice calm.

Yu nodded. He took the flower from her hand before putting the daisy over her ear along with a loose strand of her hair. His hand lingered on her hair for a second before he pulled away, in an intimidated silence.

''Pretty...'' he thought out loud without realising.

When Yu's eyes opened in surprise at his comment, he realised his mistake and quickly let go of her hand before scrambling to his feet.

''I-I'll race you home...'' he staggered before taking off, feeling like the biggest fool in the universe.

'' he staggered before taking off, feeling like the biggest fool in the universe

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Author's note:

Yes I know, they're cuties! :,) 

What do you think of Jungkook and Yu's chemistry? I dunno about you; but I feel the sparks! 

Thank you so much for reading, hope you had fun with this chapter!

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