Chapter 59 : Ready.

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As the weeks separating them from the full moon became days, Yu's sleep got more and more restless.

She was hearing Mark's voice, seeing his blood red eyes spying on her mind and feeling his touch in every corner of her dreams.

No amount of cuddling and soft whispers managed to soothe her slumber and the boys alternated their turns to always keep an eye on her during the nights where she whimpered, tossed, and turned.

The mine and the surrounding areas were ready, filled with deadly traps that forbid them from going anywhere else than the small room in which they ate and slept and a small clearing where they trained.

Soon the day of the full moon was nothing but a day away and Yu woke up with a gasp, her whole body trembling and her eyes filled with fear.

Jimin who was staying up to watch her, wrapped her into a hug and caressed her hair soothingly.

''He found us. He's coming.'' Yu said, her tone shaky.

Every detail, every last-minute preparation was taken care of and now, only the scariest part remained; waiting

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Every detail, every last-minute preparation was taken care of and now, only the scariest part remained; waiting.

''We're ready as we'll ever be. Any last change of plans or advice?'' Namjoon said as the pack walked deeper into the mine towards the old mechanical lift that they had been fixing for the last couple of weeks.

''No, your plan leaves no room for improvement. It's pretty much flawless...'' Yuki complimented Namjoon.

''If things go according to our predictions, yes...'' Yoongi said.

Hoseok punched Yoongi's shoulder.

''No negativity. Think success.'' Hoseok said in the tone of an order.

''I'm pumped, we haven't been working so hard for nothing, we're gonna kick some serious butt!'' Jimin said confidently.

''I'm mostly excited to go back home and take a long hot bath, I can't take anymore of these bucket showers...'' Taehyung said jokingly.

''I can't wait till this is all over and we can go home...'' Jungkook agreed.

''That's it, think of how bright the future will be. We need to be in high spirits to win this fight.'' Jin said like a proud dad.

They made it to the old pulley lift and stopped.

''This is were we part ways... All of you, stay calm and fight smartly, if any of you get hurt; I'll give you an earful!'' Yuki said in a fake scolding tone.

''If anything happens... I... you gotta know...'' Hoseok started saying, his expression grave.

Yuki wrapped Hoseok in a tight hug.

''Nothing will happen, so hold that thought for when you're back in my arms.'' The girl said reassuringly.

Hoseok breathed in deeply and kissed the top of the girl's head.

''Be safe... please... for my sake...'' he said, his words closer to a plead.

''Promised!'' Yuki said.

Jimin walked behind the girl and trapped her into a hug from behind, nuzzling his face into her neck and kissing his mark on her clavicle.

''There, that ought to give you the courage to win!'' He said with a bashful smile.

''It sure will!'' Yu said.

Jin came closer and leaned forward to be at eye level with the girl.

''Try not to worry about us too much, you need your focus. I promise we will handle our part of the plan, so stay strong and let us take some risk for once. '' Jin said, in a firm tone but with a soft expression.

''I promise, I'll trust you guys as much as you trust me.'' Yuki said solemnly.

''That's my girl.'' Jin said before putting a kiss on her forehead.

''We got this!' Taehuyng said confidently before grabbing Yuki by the waist and leaning in to whisper in her ear. ''But you got to promise you'll give us a reward if we do good today...'' he added in a seductive, hushed tone.

Yuki failed to control the blush creeping up on her face.

''You know I will...'' she replied, looking down in embarrassment, but a sly smile on her lips.

Namjoon playfully pushed Taehuyng off of Yuki and he gently held her chin up so she would have to look up at him.

''God, I wish I could watch you fight today... You're going to be a goddess on the battle field...'' Namjoon said while rubbing his thumb over the girl's lower lip, before putting a soft kiss on them. ''Tae's eager to talk about rewards, but I won't hesitate to punish you if you take any dumb risk today...'' he added, a glimmer of playfulness in her serious gaze.

''Stop the horny talk. We got to get going.'' Yoongi said, running his temples in desperation at the shameless display of affections of his fellow pack members.

''Come on! You can't just leave your girl to go fight for her life without at least giving her a word of encouragement!'' Jin scolded Yoongi.

The man rolled his eyes.

''Fine. Don't fuck it up. Is that good enough advice?'' Yoongi said.

Yu pouted.

''No it isn't! I know you're worried for me, stop acting tough for once!'' the girl said, crossing her arms.

Yoongi sighed.

''Stay alive or else I'll kick your ass...'' Yoongi muttered.

''Still not good enough...'' Yu said with a pout.

''Fine... Fine... I love you, please be safe...'' Yoongi blurted out, before turning away in embarrassment.

Yuki jumped on his back and covered his neck in kisses.

''I love you too... See it wasn't that bad?'' the girl said hapilly.

Yoongi groaned in fake annoyance, but he couldn't help but crack a gummy smile.

''Get going now.'' Yuki said while ushering the boys towards the lift.

''Wait! You can't forget about me!'' Jungkook said, catching Yu's arm to flip her towards him.

''Sorry babe, what did you want to tell me?''

''Who said anything about talking?'' Jungkook said, dipping the girl back to lean in and kiss her passionately.

Their kiss was so heated, it left Yu breathless and almost dizzy when Jungkook finally propped her back up with a proud grin.

''See you later, love.'' He said as the boys got on the lift and waved goodbye.

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