Chapter 7: Food for Thoughts

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Yu woke up on the couch, Namjoon had gone missing from her side. In true gentleman style, he had let her the whole couch to sleep on. Her whole body ached and her head was torturing her, the boys were right, she would have died alone out there...

The threat of dying for hypothermia was long gone, but Yu's newest concern was the probability of her starving to death. She was hungry, well, hungry as a wolf!

She knew she was in no shape to hunt, but her stomach disagreed; it longed for some juicy meat!

Like an answer to her prayers, she detected the smell of blood in the kitchen and her mouth immediately watered. She sat up on the couch, fighting against the dark circle that tried to surround her vision and she eventually got up, tip toeing her way to the kitchen.

''Morning Yu, are you feeling better?'' Jin asked with a smile.

The girl nodded while eyeing the bacon Jin was about to cook.

''You smelled that before I even started cooking it? You have a sharp nose! Are you hungry?'' Jin asked.

The bacon was laid out on the counter and despite Yu approaching it, Jin didn't seem defensive at all. Since he didn't growl at her, Yu deduced that he had already eaten and that the meat was fair game.

She reached in and grabbed a slice of raw bacon.

''No!'' Jin warned her.

Yu furrowed her brows and hissed.

Her attitude towards food might be as violent as a true animal's for all he knew, so Jin lifted his hands in sign of peace and shook his head slowly.

''You can't eat raw meat, it's bad for you when you're in human form... Just let me cook it, I promise it'll taste much better.'' Jin explained patiently.

Yu tilted her head to the side curiously. To her, cooking meat seemed useless, but since it wasn't her prey, she decided to respect Jin's wishes.

She put the slice of bacon down and watched, fascinated, as Jin started cooking the meat. The smell was amazing; even more amazing than when it was raw!

''What kind of game is this?'' Yu asked, her eyes shining with delight.

''It's bacon... so like... pork?'' he explained.

''Pork...'' Yu repeated, ''I never hunted pork before... is it a hard prey?''

''Not when you go to the grocery store...'' Jin joked while reaching for some eggs in the fridge.

Yu's eyes widened when she realised that cold air was coming out from the fridge.

''What else do you have in this strange winter box?'' she asked curiously.

''It's a fridge, that's where we keep food... Have you never seen a fridge?'' Jin asked, a bit shocked by how completely clueless Yu was.

''A freedge... And what about this?'' Yu inquired looking at the sink.

Jin turned the water on and Yu's eyes glimmered with fascination.

''You have a secret waterfall inside your home!'' she exclaimed before leaning forward over the sink and extending her tongue under the stream to lap at the water.

Jin handed her a glass of water, but she clearly preferred drinking straight from the ''secret waterfall''.

''Is there anything here you're familiar with?'' Jin asked, clearly she had much to learn to live with them.

''Fire!'' she said, pointing towards the now flaming bacon.

''Oh shit!''

Jin quickly took the pan off from the stove and filled it with water in the sink to extinguish it.

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