Chapter 2 : Run for It

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Running away wasn't an option anymore and she wasn't about to stand down without a fight.

Her assailants were all heading for her with different angles of approach. It was a smart move in the sense that it insured that they would all fall on her at once if she kept her trajectory, and that at least one of them would be close to her if she suddenly changed direction.

In another sense, it was an advantage for her. She didn't feel like she could take that many wolves at once, but somehow she knew she had a shot if she was against one or two.

She took a sharp turn to the right, hoping that this way she would fall face to face with only one or two of her pursuers at once.

Soon, two smells grew stronger and more distinct and she knew her plan had succeeded.

Either I have great critical thinking skills or I'm abnormally used to being hunted by a full pack of wolves... she thought sarcastically.

She heard running footsteps and she knew she was close to some of her assailants, but she was still surprised to fall face to face with one of them.

Instead of the raging beast she was expecting, she was looking at a young man with blond hair and a warm smile.

''I found her, Tae! Look; she's even cuter than when she's asleep!'' the man gushed at her like she was a harmless little pup.

Cute? Her? Please, she was a wolf, not a kitten!

She might not have her claws and teeth right now, but that didn't mean she was any less of a threatening predator!

Needless to say the comment rubbed her the wrong way... She snarled at the man, although the effect was probably much less menacing in human form...

''I know Jimin! She's super quick too! It's hard to believe she was bedridden until a couple hours ago! I can't imagine how fast she is in her best condition! We'll have plenty of time to play tag again so let's just go back home for now, okay?'' The man named Tae said with a smile full of amusement and a hint of malice.

The both of them were talking to her like she was some kind of child. How rude!

''I'm not going anywhere with any of you. Now kindly move aside or I'll have to carve my way through you and I don't feel like dirtying myself with your blood...'' The girl spat coldly.

Damn, I'm pretty good a threatening people, do I have a lot of experience at this? Or maybe I'm just a foul mouthed bitch... She thought internally.

''That's no way to talk to the people who saved you, especially on their own turf. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not.'' The one called Jimin said, his cute smile fading into an angry scowl.

''Sounds great, this chase wasn't long enough, I still feel like playing!'' the other said, tilting his head to crack his neck with a loud pop, as his teeth elongated into fanglike shapes.

With pained grunts, their faces were gaining fierce features and their eyes grew animalistic.

Somehow, she understood what was happening; they were turning into their wolf shape. It felt like she had seen this spectacle many times before.

Could she also do this?

She would have to figure that out later.

The men's transformation was a good enough distraction for her to make a run for it, so she quickly left them behind and dashed towards the sound of flowing water, probably a river.

She could see the river in front of her, when her trajectory was cut by a tall man with dark hair.

''There's no need to run! Please, you have to take things easy. You were just hurt pretty badly, your body needs a lot of rest right now!'' the man explained, his voice was very warm and reassuring, but the girl couldn't bring herself to trust him.

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