Chapter 36: All or Nothing

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Helping one group basically was taking the risk of sacrificing the other one.

It was an impossible decision, yet a choice had to be made.

Logic was telling her that Jungkook was already screwed and that she could risk four lives to save his.

At the same time, the four boys might have a slight chance of winning on their own, in which case helping them meant sacrificing Jungkook for nothing.

She remembered Jungkook's shy smile and the time he had put a flower in her hair.

''Jungkook, they're catching up to you, you need to come to trigger 5 as soon as possible.'' Yu said in the ear piece as Tae's expression darkened.

''Trigger 5 is too risky, he'll get hurt too... I guess we do have to save the biggest group...'' Taehyung said.

Yu grabbed a weapon from a fallen hunter hand shoved it in Tae's hands.

''We're saving everyone, get on my back.'' Yu said before shifting again.

Trigger 5 was a trap they had set up days prior.

Hunters were experts when it came to traps so there was little chance for them to fall for one in the first place. Their best shot was to set a trap so efficient and quick that the hunters couldn't get out of dodge even if they did spot it.

The downside was that the wolf leading hunters to such a trap would also get caught in it.

There was such as thing as making a trap too good!

Trigger 5 was especially tricky and deadly. It was a deep hole with the bottom covered in blades. The cover on this hole was so fragile and the hole itself so wide that activating it meant going down also.

Jungkook was heading straight for the trap, with burning resolve, knowing what awaited him, but unfaltering.

When he arrived at the site of the trap he had to slow down to ensure that the group following him was close enough to fall at the same time as him.

''Go faster! Don't let them get close!'' Tae said in his earpiece.

Jungkook was in shock, that would mean triggering the trap and being the only one falling in it. That was the worst possible outcome!

''Trust me!'' Tae added.

Jungkook mustered the last of his strength and sprinted, triggering the trap and falling down, blades digging trough his paw and letting a whine escape him.

As he fell, bullets started raining above him, from both sides of the hole, and he saw Yu's white coated wolf leap across the giant gap.

In a matter of seconds, the bullets stopped and Taehyung was extending a rope down at Jungkook.

''The hunters weren't ready for us to start shooting back! I shot three of them from behind this tree and Yu dove on the last two! As soon as you were protected from their bullet in this trench, we had the upper hand!'' Tae explained while helping a now human Jungkook out with a sly grin.

Yu on the other hand was already dashing towards the riverbank, hopefully, it wasn't too late.

By the time she made it, the brawl had started, and four wolves were furiously dodging and attacking at a small army of heavily armed men. All of her friends were bloodied, but all of them were still standing, which was all she had hoped for.

Yu turned back into a human and started shooting at the hunters from behind, catching them off guard.

Noticing her, the pack members ran towards Yu, to direct the hunter's gaze in her direction, while closing their own eyes.

''Sleep.'' She ordered in a stern voice her eyes glowing an uncanny shade of yellow.

The men that were still standing immediately fell down limp as Yu's eyes rolled back in her head and she crumbled to her knees, struggling to keep herself conscious.

The boys reverted back to their human forms and started tying up the sleeping hunters.

''Hoseok is really hurt... Tae and Jungkook are wounded too...'' Yu managed to mutter, blinking hard to keep herself awake.

Namjoon reverted to his wolf shape as Jin loaded the bundle of hunters on his back. Jimin also shifted and came close to Yu rubbing his big soft head on her neck.

''You did a great job, you can relax now, let Jimin carry you back.'' Jin said in a soothing voice as he helped her on Jimin's soft and warm back where she finally fell unconscious.


Back at the summer shack, the rest of the plan as was carried without a hitch.

All the hunters that were still alive were heavily sedated, stripped and put inside the cabin.

Their weapons were scattered around the little building along with some homemade explosives, the instructions on how to make artificial bombs. For good measure, the layout of some banks and government buildings were mapped out and pinned to the walls.

The added some drugs here and there for good measure, before tracing a rough pentagram on the floor with the blood of a dead hunter and piling all the dead and mauled bodied in the center, a couple of candles and books about satanism were added to the décor as a finishing touch.

When the scene was nice and convincing Namjoon took his phone and called the police.

''We came for a weekend at my family's summer shack, but it looks like some people trespassed and we're quite afraid of going inside...'' Namjoon lied flawlessly. ''You guys need to come and get them off of our terrain, they don't seem like good people, there's a gun outside and some blood around the property.''

By the time the police came, it didn't matter how friendly they were with some of these hunter folks or the quality of the bribes that they usually received.

Satanic looking murder rituals, drugs and a bunch or heavily armed people with what looked like plan for a terror attack; that wasn't something even the most corrupt cops could sweep under the rug.

Anybody associated with these hunters would spend the next few years in prison or under strict government investigation, making it impossible to gather with other hunters again or have access to the highly suspicious material they needed to keep practicing their favourite sport of werewolf hunting.

One's reputation couldn't recover from a scandal such as this so their ties with the police and government officials alike would also crumble leaving their organisation in shamble and their members isolated and powerless.

It was with the knowledge of a long lasting victory that the, pretty roughed up, pack finally made their way home for a good, well deserved, night of sleep.

Only, with Yu out of commission, and the exhaustion of the day, nobody noticed a slight unusual scent lingering in their home.

Only, with Yu out of commission, and the exhaustion of the day, nobody noticed a slight unusual scent lingering in their home

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