Chapter 44 : Big Splash

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''Put on some roadtrip music!'' Tae whined from the back of the van as Yoongi drove the whole pack.

''For the hundredth time, this isn't a roadtrip. We're on a mission!'' Yoongi said, with a dark glare at the boy on the back seat.

''We're going to go get books, it's barely an errand! We never go out and do stuff, we need a little vacay!'' Tae pleaded making Namjoon roll his eyes.

''There is a pool at the hotel, it's not the beach but it's better than nothing.'' Jin said while looking up their hotel on his phone.

''We have to keep a low profile, we're pretending to be people from the dark web responding to an anonymous offer from this shady hunter dude. We can't be spotted.'' Namjoon explained.

''Our hotel is an hour away from the place of the meeting, it's really no big deal. I wanna go to the pool!'' Jimin chimed in. ''What do you think, Yuki? Don't we deserve a little break before all the serious stuff?'' he asked, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

''I vote for the pool too!'' Junkook said.

Everybody had turned to Yu, if she was going to become an alpha, she would have to carry the weight of many decisions from now on...

''Even if you guys say no, they will sneak out and make their own fun... It would be safer to just stay together and do just a bit of pooling...'' Yu said.

''Pooling? You have no idea what a pool is don't you?'' Jin asked Yu.

''No clue!'' Yu exclaimed happily. ''But I kind of want to find out!''

''Do you know how to swim?'' Yoongi asked.

''What kind of idiot do you take me for? Swimming is basic animal instinct; I can manage such a trivial task.'' Yu replied in a matter of fact tone.

''I packed you a swimsuit, just for this occasion!'' Tae said, with a sly, almost evil, smile.

''Why would you wear a suit for swimming? Wet clothes seem unpractical, isn't better to strip before you dive?'' Yu asked, genuinely confused.

The van went silent for a moment and Hoseok turned towards Yu with a stiff smile that felt totally fake.

''Please tell me you're joking?'' He said, his tone almost scary.

''I am?'' Yu lied badly

It seemed good enough to Hoseok and he turned back forward.

It took almost two hours to drive to the hotel. After about thirty minutes of trying to go over the plan, Namjoon had to accept the fact that nobody was able to concentrate on the task at hand and they ended up blasting some loud music for most of the way to the hotel.

When they got out of the van they started taking their luggage out when a valet came with a cart to help them unload.

''Why is this human taking our stuff?'' Yu asked Namjoon, a low growl rumbling down her throat.

''He's bringing it to our rooms, it's his job.'' Namjoon explained.

The fact that someone was touching their stuff when they could as easily bring it by themselves wasn't sitting well with Yu, but this place was one of human customs and she had to follow them to avoid drawing attention.

They were all sleeping in double rooms, in randomly chosen pairs. They had insisted that Yu sleeps in a room by herself, but since they were an uneven number without her, Yu refused, because that would mean that another one of them would have to room alone, and that was simply too dangerous.

Jimin seemed pretty bummed out when Yoongi's name was the one she pulled out of the draw, but the rest of the gang kind of looked relieved.

The room they were staying in was spacious and had a small conference room attached. This would eb the perfect spot to discuss their plan together. Separated by a sliding door was a big double bed, but Yu couldn't find the second bed.

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