Chapter 64 : Final Blow

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Yoongi fell unconscious, and behind Mark, the rest of the men were either already on the ground or struggling to stay awake.

''You fought well, but unfortunately you fought on the wrong side...'' Mark said while looking at Hoseok, the last one standing in an effort to fight the dominion he was put under.

''You... lost already...'' Hoseok said between chocked breaths as he fell to his knees but still managed to fight his body from going completely limp.

''And how would that be?'' Mark said with an amused expression.

''Yuki is already mated, she'll never be yours.'' Hoseok said with a tired, but provocative smile.

Mark's expression turned to pure uncontrolled rage.

''LIAR!'' He yelled before wrapping a clawed hand around Hoseok's neck. ''SHE'S MINE!''

Before Mark'S claws could pierce too deeply into Hosek's neck a shot was heard and a red stain appeared on Mark's chest and he released the man's neck from his hold to clutch his wound.

''Good job on distracting him, Hoseok.'' Namjoon complimented before shooting again in the man's direction.

''How did-?'' Mark asked narrowly dodging the second bullet.

''When I saw you were going towards Yoongi I opened my eyes to return to my own vision, I just pretended to fall asleep like the others.'' Namjoon explained as the boys were quickly regaining consciousness.

''Now that he has a golden bullet in him, he won't be able to shapeshift.'' Jin briefed the others as they were scrambling to their feet. ''He's just a man now, and men can be killed.''

''This won't kill me. The blood of another lycan can heal even wounds make from gold.'' Mark said confidently though his eyes betrayed how much pain he was in. ''Now tell me did any of you mutts truly have the audacity of trying to steal my mate from me? Or was that just a stupid bluff?''

Taehyung laughed along with Jimin and Jungkook.

''I don't know if its funnier for you to know or for you not to know...'' Tae said with a chuckle.

''I kinda want to see the look on his face...'' Jimin admitted.

''He might just die from the shock, it's worth a try.'' Jungkook joked.

''Which one of you bastards took my woman?'' Mark yelled before running towards the trio who was laughing the second before and slashing at them wildly.

The three of them narrowly dodged, but Mark's speed was such that they didn't manage to put a scratch on him even at three on one.

''She was never your woman and now she's ours.'' Jin spoke from behind him before jumping on his back in an attempt at grappling him.

Namjoon also jumped in to help Jin immobilise the man and the two of them barely managed to take him to the ground, though he was still flailing furiously.

''Yuki chose all seven of us, your dreams of using her to fulfill your psychotic plans is dead! No matter if you survive this night, you will never achieve your twisted goals!'' Namjoon yelled, Mark's claws digging deep into his shoulder and drawing a painful wince out of him.

The rest of the boys jumped in as wolves to finish Mark off, splashes of blood staining their faces and Mark went limp under their claws and bites.

The seven men stumbled back, shocked that they had somehow pulled it off...

''Is he?'' Jungkook asked, breaking the silence.

Yoongi emerged form the back of the room, keeping a hand to maintain pressure on his neck injury.

''He can heal from pretty much everything we did to him, but the golden bullet in his heart will kill him in a matter of minutes, it's too late for Lycan blood now, the gold has contaminated his entire body.'' Yoongi explained.

''Now we have to climb up and go help Yuki deal with the rest of the army.'' Hoseok said, not even taking in a moment to acknowledge that they had achieved their impossible bet, he was much too worried about Yuki's safety to be relieved.

The men took of their glasses and started gathering their equipment, ready to climb.

''She's okay if she got hurt, we would all feel it, the same way we all feel Yoongi's neck injury.'' Namjoon reassured Hoseok.

''It doesn't hurt that much so I guess it's pretty shallow, let's give you a shot of Yuki's blood to get you healed up and you can join the fight up there too.'' Jin said, before walking past Mark's unconscious body to go and reach his supply bag.

The second Jin got close to Mark's body, the red beast opened his eyes and Jin stopped in his track.

''Kill them.'' Mark's voice spoke before Jin flipped around and started emptying his gun in the boys direction.

Unfortunately, they didn't have lycan reflexes so they weren't as good as Mark when to came to dodging bullets. They narrowly escaped the first few shots but a bullet soon grazed Jimin's side and another one hit Taehuyng in the shoulder.

As they were scurrying to dodge Jin's fire, Mark slowly got up to his feet and claws grew on his hands.

''I might die tonight, but I'll take all of you mutts with me!'' Mark said before plunging his sharp claws deep into Jin's chest.

All of the boys gasped from the pain and fell to their knees, struggling to stay conscious as Mark ripped his hand away from Jin's chest, revealing four large gaping holes, quickly overflowing with blood.

Jin fell to his knees and coughed, immediately tasting blood.

Mark limped slowly in the direction of the lift before turning around, laughing at the pitiful spectacle unfolding in front of him.

'' And now, the rest of you...'' Mark said with looking at the six other men, already half unconscious from the pain. ''Do me a favour and d-''

But the words got stuck in his throat as a silver blade emerged from the back of his neck.

He flipped around, uselessly trying to hold the blood pouring out of his neck and he saw her.

Yuki was standing there, knives in hand and covered in blood basically from head to toes.

''Sorry boys, it took me a while.'' Yuki said, clenching her chest.

''It's pretty ironic, isn't it? If you hadn't spent years torturing, me I would have probably fallen unconscious from this pain in my chest.'' She added while looking down at Mark who was gurgling incomprehensible words through the blood escaping his throat.

''I was afraid to meet you face to face again... I was afraid you would manage to manipulate me into forgiving you like you always did... No matter how much you hurt me, I always loved some parts of you... But now that you hurt my mates, you have killed the last trace of doubt in my mind. For that, I thank you.'' Yuki said before shifting back to her wolf form and jumping on the man's throat to rip it clean off.

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