Chapter 58 : Harmony

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Yuki woke up in a pile of sleeping bags, her whole body sore and covered in what appeared to be hickeys. Jimin's head was resting on her stomach and he smiled up at her.

''Morning cutie!'' He said, wrapping her into a hug as she sat up, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

The smell of coffee was floating in the air and she was about to ask for some when Hoseok crouched in front of her and handed her a cup, before putting a kiss on her forehead.

''Slept well?" he asked with a bright smile.

''Mph...'' Yu replied while taking a sip of her hot coffee.

The burning hot liquid bit her tongue and she grimaced, before noticing that Jimin held a hand up to his mouth.

''Did you burn your tongue?'' He asked.

''I felt that too!'' Junkook said, emerging from his slumber in his own sleeping bag.

''That's the bond that mates share. Whatever pain Yu feels we will also endure a part of.'' Namjoon explained. ''Yuki, please, stop feeling sorry about it.''

''I know b-'' Yu started saying.

''I know you're about to apologise, but don't you dare!'' Taehyung said, comically emerging from the same sleeping bag as Jungkook. ''We all wanted this and, though I can only speak for myself, I have zero regrets... especially not after yesterday night...''

At the mention of the night before Yu's face flushed bright red and she looked down at her coffee in embarrassment.

Jin came to sit next to her. He put a hand over hers on her coffee cup and blew softly over the hot liquid to help cool it down.

''Don't be embarrassed, baby, you did so good...'' he cooed in her ear.

''This is not the time; I can feel you guys getting horny again, but we have work to do.'' Yoongi said, flicking the back of Jimin's head as he walked past.

Yu felt a light pressure at the exact spot of her head were Yoongi had flicked Jimin. Their senses really were connected on a deeper level.

''You're no fuuun! '' Taehyung whined before crawling out of his sleeping bag to join the cuddle pile of Yu, Jin and Jimin.

''Mmm so warm...'' Tae said as he nuzzled his face in Yu's neck. ''Woah, Hobi's mark healed up all nice and pretty!'' he remarked.

The seven bite marks Yuki bore had healed into pale rosy scars.

''You can complain all you want Yoongi, but you don't have any scolding to do when it come to being horny. You were the first one who started-'' Hoseok started teasing before Namjoon intervened.

''Yoongi is right, now's not the time to get distracted. Besides we need to let the poor girl rest some after a night like that...'' Namjoon said before flashing a teasing smile in Yu's direction.

''Pff... like I can't handle you guys...'' Yuki said, with a prideful little smirk. ''But I guess we do have work to do... What's the first priority of the day?''

''We need to work on coordinating our fighting style. Our group synergy and our level of personal strength changed so we need to rework all of our pack strategies.'' Yoongi said with a serious expression, before pouring a packet of sugar into Yu's coffee. ''You prefer it sweet, right?''

Yu smiled and nodded, happy that he remembered.

''We also have to start fixing this place and setting our traps. The layout is different from what I thought it would be so we'll have to rework the defense plan.'' Namjoon chipped in.

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