Chapter 26 : Out of Breath

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Jungkook was running for his life, Yu on his tail.

If she managed to pass him her butt would be in his face.

That butt was too much for him.

Unfortunately for Jungkook, Yu was as fast a runner as him and soon enough she had caught up to him. Just when she was about to pass him, he stopped abruptly and pretended to be out of breath.

Better to pass as a weakling with no stamina than a pervert!

Yu soon noticed Jungkook was missing from her side and not following her so she went next to him panting lightly, while he was pretending to be really out of breath.

''If you want to be a great hunter, you need to work on cardio, if I was a prey I would have gotten away...'' Yu said plainly.

''Yeah... you're probably right... I'm not as good of a wolf as you...'' Jungkook said, seemingly irked by her comment.

''That's not true you just have less experience.'' Yu said, trying to make him feel a bit better.

''You saved us from those hunters when we were left defenseless, that was pretty cool...'' Jungkook admitted, still to shy to look up at her.

The compliment surprised her.

''Maybe, but I also controlled your minds and killed two people... That doesn't make me better than you, most people would even say the opposite. I'm sorry for doing all of it and for manipulating your mind...'' Yu said apologetically.

Jungkook looked shocked by Yu's response like she had said something ridiculous.

''I got stuck under a net and I was nothing but a deadweight while you fought... These things you wish you didn't do, I wanted to be the one doing them! I'm envious for you being able to do them! You caught a bullet mid-air, I didn't know that was possible!'' he exclaimed, unable to hold back his words anymore.

''You're stuck on the wrong part of the events...'' Yu said

''No, you are. You made some mistakes, but for all the right reasons! That doesn't take away the fact that you're an amazing fighter and that you saved us! Compared to you, we're all beginners. We should all acknowledge that we have a lot to learn from you...'' Jungkook admitted lowering his eyes, not out of shyness, but like he was embarrassed of what happened.

''I don't know anything, I've been living as a wolf for so long I can barely function as a human...'' Yu replied.

''But us, we know nothing about being wolves! Our adoptive father was human and we've lived amongst humans our whole life. Some members have been in packs before, but they were orphaned so early that they don't remember most of it... You're out of touch with your human side, but we're out of touch with our wolf side. You've been so open to learn from us, but we never tried to learn from you and I think it's a shame.'' Jungkook said with a calm conviction Yu didn't know he possessed.

''I think this is the most I've ever heard you talk... I didn't know you were this wise, the boys always treat you like a kid...''

''They do the same with you, but I know we're on the same page. We need to become stronger and you can help us. When you fought the hunters we were just getting in your way, the next time something happens we have to be able to fight back...'' Jungkook said, his eyes burning with resolve.

He was right, she had experience when it came to fighting, but she didn't know if she could be a decent teacher.

''I can try to teach you how to fight... But I don't want to accidentally break all the bones in your body...'' Yu said, still unsure.

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