Chapter 63 : The Ways Of War

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By the time Mark had drawn his attention away from Yuki and towards the six men on the same floor as him, they had all slipped on dark sunglasses.

''So that's your brilliant plan? You're to try to fight me blind to avoid my dominion?'' Mark said with an amused expression. ''Fine, I'll entertain your stupid idea.''

The man's smile turned to a grin full of elongated teeth and he transformed into a dark coated wolf in the blink of an eye before pouncing forward towards the shortest looking man he saw.

Unexpectedly, despite his blacked out glasses, Jimin turned into his wolf shape at exactly the right moment to avoid the beast's deadly bite.

The caramel colored wolf flipped around quickly and bit the air right behind Mark's neck.

The dark beast tried to attack back but a golden bullet hit the floor right next to him and he flipped towards the man wielding the gun, wondering how this man managed to almost shoot him despite wearing blacked out glasses.

In any case, he had to get rid on the two men holding guns before he could kill the rest of them.

He pounced towards, Hoseok still keeping him in the gun's aim, and he weaved through his bullets with ease opening his jaw to trap the hand wielding the gun.

A punch landed on the side of the beast's face and he was thrown off to the side.

''Thanks Namjoon'' Hoseok said before shooting in the wolf's direction again.

''No big.'' Namjoon replied.

The dark wolf rolled on its side to dodge more bullets and transformed back to human form half way through his movement.

''Drop the gun!'' Mark ordered, his eyes glowing red.

No matter if the guys didn't see him, his dominion should be powerful enough to work on one of two targets with only sound.

As expected the two guys holding the guns went stiff and started groaning in pain, trying to fight the command bending their bodies to Mark's will.

When the two guns fell to the ground both Hoseok and Jungkook turned to their wolf shape and jumped towards Mark who was ready to dodge them by shifting back to his wolf form.

Only, when Mark jumped back, a sharp pain ripped through his stomach as Taehyung in wolf form slashed his side. The dark wolf growled in pain and jumped forward to bite Taehuyng's neck but two strong arms wrapped around his own neck and started choking him out.

The wolf shifted back to human again to escape the man's grasp.

It was impossible that these six guys were relying on scent and sound only, but still fought like this!

Then it hit him: when he had first came down there were seven of them!

One of them was standing back and acting as their eyes...

Mark shifted to his wolf form and swerved nimbly through the teeth and claws of the wolves surrounding him, sniffing the air.

Found you, he thought, before dashing towards a dark corner of the room where he found a man wearing huge headphone, gun in aim.

Mark saw the man press on the trigger but still ran forth, claws first as he slashed the man's face.

Yoongi managed to lodge a bullet in Mark's shoulder, but a sharp pain ripped through his neck as the headphones he was previously wearing clattered to the ground.

Yoongi held his neck, as best he could and looked up at Mark with a glare full of defiance.

''Having them look through your eyes was smart, but there's one little thing you didn't think about...'' Mark's word resounded in Yoongi's brain.

''Sleep.'' The same voice ordered, filling Yoongi's brain with fog.

He was chosen to be the eyes of the operation precisely because he was the most resistant to dominion, he only needed to resist the order long enough for the rest of the boys to come help him.

But Yoongi soon heard the sound of a body collapsing behind Mark.

They were looking through my eyes so they were put under the effect of Mark's dominon! Was Yoongi's last coherent thought before darkness filled his vision.

They were looking through my eyes so they were put under the effect of Mark's dominon! Was Yoongi's last coherent thought before darkness filled his vision

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An army of beast was snarling in the direction of a single pale wolf.

About 30 ghouls and the same number of werewolves. Their traps outside had decimated quite a few and Mark's army of a hundred wolves was no more. Yu's top priority was getting rid of the ghouls, they were had orders not to kill her, but ghouls lacked control and they might accidentally kill her while the werewolves would be more carefull in their attempt at taking her out of the fight.

The white wolf growled with an air of challenge and waited for the first foolish creature that would dare step forward.

A couple of ghouls detached themselves from the group and started running towards Yu her wolf dove under their half-bipedal form and she turned into a human halfway there, sliding on her knees to find herself behind their gaunt form.

She pulled two knives out of her belt, one lighter in color than the other, and quickly she stabbed the back of the neck of the first ghoul she could get her hands on before slashing the throat of the second and stabbing the next through the chest.

The darkest blade of the two was iron, ghouls' mortal enemy, their deep wounds seemed to enlarge by the second and they soon fell limp, to the ground.

''That all you got?'' She taunted before another wave of beasts ran her way.

In her human form, she alternated using the iron and the silver knives she wielded to kill either ghouls of werewolves. While her enemies were struggling to fight in the restrained area of the room because of their imposing wolfish shapes, her human form was nimble enough to wave through them and land lethal hit after lethal hit.

She only reverted to her wolf form when she needed some extra physical strength and to avoid getting tackled on the occasions where she got close to getting pinned down.

Her strategy was simple; keep moving and only strike to kill.

She had to avoid taking damage and, most of all, save her energy if she wanted a chance at holding off these monsters long enough for back-ups to arrive.

''You came here ready to kill the people I care most about. This is your last chance, to survive this night. Obey my command and kneel if you are ready to deny your alpha!'' Yuki spoke while her golden eyes shone over the room.

None of the beasts in front of her showed a semblance of doubt or receptivity to her message, so she sighed.

''If you wish to die for you master so badly, I will grant your wish''. Yuki said, her expression turning dark.

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