Chapter 38 : Remembrance

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When Yu woke up, her body was torn apart by the most inhuman pain she ever felt.

Her whole body felt like it was burning from the inside out, but she she tried to scream she found her mouth gagged and her eyes taped shut.

''There you are, welcome back to the land of the living lycan.'' A male voice spoke.

Yu tried to jump towards the voice but her hand were restrained behind her back and a searing pain tore through her body the instant she struggled against her restrains. It felt like the cuffs were made from fire and they were burning through her flesh every second.

She felt so weak she knew she wouldn't be able to stand, even with the cuffs off. Her stomach churned and she felt like throwing up, but she controlled herself.

''Gold is not only extremely painful for your kind, but it's also poisonous. Forget about using your strength or your powers while you're in contact with gold. I thought about making a golden cage for you, but you're stupid enough to burn yourself on the bars and you'd fetch less money with potential breeders if you were covered in scars. Your healing won't work on injuries left by gold, a single contact with it will scar you forever. It's a shame for your wrists, but it's not like you'll ever take these cuffs off now that I own you.'' The hunter explained.

Yu was frozen in place from the shock of the news she kept on hearing and the dawning realisation that she had no way of escaping this torture.

''It's starting to sink in now, uh? How your life has just slipped out of your hands. Your life is mine now, your everything belongs to me. You took everything from me by killing my family so now I'll take everything back!'' the man yelled before Yu felt a blunt impact in her stomach, knocking the air out of her lungs.

''I thought that would make you scream, but you didn't even whine... Looks like you're a tough one, I guess I'll have to use some harsher methods to tame you.''

Yu tried to focus her mind off of the situation she was in to phase out the fear and the pain, she had to think straight to keep her chances of surviving this, but there was a pit in her stomach growing heavier.

The pain on her wrists... it was almost familiar... The fear also, it felt like she had been here before... but not with this man...

Pain ripped through her head and she felt like she was transported, far away from here, yet still stuck in the same position.

It felt like she was falling asleep and waking up at the same time, she knew what she was experiencing wasn't real, much like a dream, yet it felt more raw and vivid that her very reality.

It was a memory, a powerful, frightening one.

She was shaking with fear, more fear than she ever felt before.

''That was a pathetic attempt of an escape. You didn't even manage a mile. As my future mate, I am not only disappointed at your poor decision making, but even more so at your lack of skill.'' The voice said.

''I am not your future mate.'' She replied.

''You were mine from the day of your birth, you used to be okay with it, but suddenly I'm not good enough for you.'' The voice said, his tone bittersweet.

''I am no longer a child that will fall for your lies and follow you blindly. You killed my whole pack and kidnapped me, that doesn't make me yours, that makes you a monster.'' Yu retorqued.

''I don't want to do this, precious, but you cannot threaten my authority in front of the pack and expect no retribution. You will apologize first and then I will punish you accordingly for the gravity of your crime.''

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