Chapter 17

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The time is nearly here. Keeping to Serene's promise, I spoke with her father Luke and a few military men and snipers have decided to join our mission, especially when they're told we're onto a human trafficking ring.

I told Serene of the new men who agreed to assist us and she barely contained an "I told you so" while she smiled at me and gave me a kiss, but I knew she was happy. We were no longer close to risking our lives with the assistance of grade-A weapons and men on our side.

My MC men were in position with Stitch monitoring the cameras, the snipers already set up near the warehouses we planned on hitting from Brian's addresses, and a few of the military men were on the ground, ready to fight if anything happened.

I wanted Serene a safe distance away, with her father, and luckily she agreed. She wasn't stupid. She knew she was at the top of their grab list for a reason, and because of that, I did not want her near these men.

It took some convincing, but she understood my need to be there for my brothers. I was still a liaison of the MC and I still had my oath to honor. They needed a fighting monster, and that was what I was for them.

We're all in position, all with secure tech gear to be able to communicate as we sit and wait for Josh to arrive.

We hear a car driving along the gravel near the warehouse and take a peek through the binoculars and no surprise, Josh steps out of the car with two armed men by his side. At least Brian gave us good intel that he was in connection with some mafia/gang type leaders.

No sooner do they walk out that I hear the Prez hiss in the background.

"Fuck, those are the Vipers alright" he points to a few other men who arrived on motorcycles, parking alongside the warehouse before they all step inside.

We already had the warehouse bugged and their cameras put on a loop as we were planting our own surveillance, but we hadn't stepped foot inside. We didn't want to risk them realizing anything was tampered with, so all touchpoints were done outside.

As soon as the men walked in, I heard Josh speak, "You have the money?"

"Yes" an unknown responded. "You have the girl?"

"Not yet, but I know where she is. Here" Josh responds as I hear some shuffling of papers.

"She'll make a fine addition to the merchandise Josh. But if you don't have her, we're giving you half now, and half when you bring her"

He pounds his fists on the table, "You have the connections. You have the men. I already gave you her location. Why do I need to retrieve her?" He growls angrily.

"Because, this is your mess, not ours. You promised her delivered pretty boy. This isn't our turf. We gave you the MC, we gave you the money. You bring the pussy. That's the deal"

We hear some commotion and realize that momentarily they will probably all separate and head their own way. I connect in with Serene's father, Stitch, and the Prez, the main heads of this operation.

"They'll be leaving soon and splitting up. What should we do?"

I hear the Prez pause before stating, "This is more your show Mick. Thoughts?"

As I pause and think, I hear Serene speak, "This is our chance to find out where this all leads. Don't shoot them all here. Follow them. We have enough men to be able to go with each respective group. ROD can follow the Vipers and my dad's men can follow the two unknowns and Josh."

I pause before everyone on the line grunts in agreement.

"Alright but Serene, I'm following Josh."

Before she says anything, I tell her, "Don't worry I'm safe. I'm traveling with military men. If we can trust them to guard our country, they can guard me."

She sighs before I hear her father speak up, "He's right Serene. This group is the best of the best. Let the MCs handle each other and let Mick and the men I brought take it from here."

She ponders quietly before she gives in, realizing that this is the best way we have someone trustworthy eyeing all sides of the group.

As they step out of the warehouse, I notice Prez, Stich, and a few other MC men follow the Vipers out, while I hop off from my hideout and follow one of the snipers out to his hidden bike.

I nod my head, remembering his face from our earlier introduction as Jonathan, the main sniper who agreed to come on the mission and convinced most of the men to join him.

We hop on the bike, checking to make sure I still have connection to the group, before we start to follow the car with the mystery men and that piece of shit Josh.

I lean into Jon's headpiece before whispering, "The blonde ken doll is mine."

Jon nods in understanding before I continue, "everything else can be above-aboard. You guys can take the credit for the rest of the network, but that piece of shit walks away with me"

He hesitates, knowing that this wasn't part of the original agreement, but after a beat, he gives another quick nod and we have our unspoken deal.

As on speeds through traffic, I notice his men are close behind us, on our tails as we slowly try to keep close to the black car ahead of us, before we notice it taking a turn to a hotel.

We slowly ease behind as I look at Josh and the two men walk inside.

We hop off the bikes while the men who came with me start doing surveillance around the area.

I quickly tap into the hidden mic to speak with Prez, "You good with the Vipers Prez?"

"Yes. Stitch and Vick have the situation handled. You?"

We stopped at a fancy hotel, looks like our boys are spending the night here. I'll shoot you my coordinates so you have eyes"

I send him and Stitch my location so they can track my whereabouts before we all head to the lobby.

As I open the door, I can't help, but smile inside. The coincidence of Josh being my original MC's hit, him being Serene's attacker, and now him involved in a trafficking ring is just too good. I flex my hands in a fist on instinct, already dreaming of how his face will feel as my fist collides with it.

You're mine motherfucker.

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