Chapter 15

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I was sitting close enough to Serene to hear the entire conversation between her and Brian, and we confirmed Josh is the mastermind. I can still see Serene trying to come to terms with the fact that Brian, in his own fucked up situation, is also a victim.

After I watch Brian leave, I head over to Serene and sit next to her at the table. "You okay?"

She nods, "Yes. Incredibly so. He's right. I fell in love with what his potential was, but he wasn't strong enough to break away from Josh even though he knew what kind of asshole he was. I tried so hard to be there for him, to look out for him, but in the end, it was him and I looking out for him, and no one left looking out for me."

I see her disappointment in her eyes as I grab her hand and gently rub my thumb over her knuckles. "What did he give you?"

She passed her now empty coffee cup to me. "He wrote in the sleeve two contacts Josh has been using for transport, either produce or cash, and the addresses of a few warehouses Josh visits. He doesn't know the exact details of what he's involved in, but he did list trafficking as one of them. I didn't confirm that he was right"

"We'll take this to Stitch later today. It looks like these addresses are new. We don't have these on our current list to monitor" I tell her, before I take her hand and pull her to me.

"I have a surprise for you"

She looks up at me as I start walking with her towards my baby. My motorcycle.

"No way Mick! You ride?"

"I know it's hard to believe babe, but I do think sometimes you forget I'm kinda sorta still part of a MC and having a bike is mandatory" I chuckle at her, happy that this will hopefully take her mind off of the recent events.

"Hop on" I tell her, after I give her a second helmet. "And don't touch the pipe there. It gets hot"

She hops on, enclosing her hands over my body and scooting close to me. "You lean in the direction I lean the bike in to prevent an accident. If you start to feel scared, tap twice on my stomach"

She nods as I then secure my own helmet and start the motor.

I hear her yelp in the background as I rev the engine before I kick off and start the bike on the road.

We speed through traffic, already with a destination in mind as I've had this small getaway planned for awhile. I had already packed some small drinks and snacks as well as a blanket in the storage compartment, knowing that she was in dire need of a break.

I speed up the engine, swerving in between cars while I hear her squealing of excitement in the background, giddy that I can make her this happy.

As I'm speeding through, I take a sharp right after exiting the city, onto a dirt road that I know will take us to our destination. I can see in my rearview mirror dirt flying off the back tire as I slowly skid to a top of a hill and stop the bike.

I kick the stand and hop off, helping Serene off before I take her helmet off.

"Close your eyes" I tell her. As she does, I turn her body towards the view of the city and ask her to open them. She gasps as she takes in the site before us.

"Oh my god Mick, this is gorgeous. I didn't even know about this place"

I smile, seeing the wonder in her eyes as she takes it all in, before I see a flash of worry. "Aren't we trespassing? Are we going to get kicked out?"

I chuckle that even during a relaxed time like this, her mind goes into overdrive worrying about other people. "No babe. I own everything here"

"What?!" she exclaims.

I nod, laughing. "I bought this place a few years back after I discovered it. I want to build a home here as a getaway from the city. I know I have the MC clubhouse as another option, but sometimes I just want to be solo. I haven't started on the house yet, but when I saw this view, I knew I needed to have it the moment I got up here."

"Holy shit Mick!"

I smile at her, hugging her body close to mine. "So until I build that house, I brought a blanket, some snacks, and drinks. I figure you could use a break from the club, from Josh, from the training, and just picnic out here"

She leans in to give me a passionate kiss that makes my world go dizzy as I lean into her and return it with equal fervor.

"That's a nice way to thank me. Maybe again so I can see just how thankful you are?" I smirk at her as she playfully hits me, but gives me another quick succession of pecks on the lips.

I start to take everything out and we both set out the picnic, prepared to take a few moments to ourselves.

"So, how do you feel about all of this?" I ask her, trying to gauge her mental state in everything.

She ponders a bit as she leans into my back, us both sitting on the blanket, starting to bite into the food.

"I'm scared. I spent the last few years dealing with what happened, or so I thought, but seeing Brian and thinking about potentially seeing Josh again, it brought it all back. Now I'm worried that maybe I haven't been dealing, but ignoring."

I squeeze her body into mine before placing a kiss on her cheek. "That's normal. You were dealing, but of course seeing your past again will make you feel like you're taking steps back, but you aren't Serene. The way you stood up to Brian today, it really showed me how much you've grown. I was taken back. You handled it perfectly."

She looks up to me, before breathing a thank you and pulling me in to kiss her again. She starts to moan as our kiss depends, her butt rubbing against my already hardening cock.

"Serene..." I groan out

"Touch me. Please" she breathily responds.

I look around and don't see anyone out for miles, knowing that in this quiet space I would hear a motor approaching.

My hand slips under her shirt, cupping her soft breast as I bring my mouth to her neck and nibble on her soft spot. Her legs naturally start rubbing together, and I know she's trying to cure her throbbing core.

"Look at me Serene." I wait for her to open her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" she breathes into my ear. "I'm yours Mick."

A/N: We all know what's coming next chapter! Too much smut? I can't be the only horndog here, right? right?! ;)

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