Chapter 21

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I groan, trying to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. I blink a few times, forcing my lids open and see Serene laying on the bed, asleep, her hand in mine.

I give hers a slight squeeze, unable to talk much, and see her immediately stand up, blinking a few times, before she starts to cry.

"Oh my God. Mick! You're okay"

She starts to cry even harder before she peppers me with kisses all over my face. I try to move my arm to rub her back and calm her, but I wince in pain.

She notices and immediately steps back, "Don't you dare move. You've been shot! Take it easy" I smile at her the best that I can and try to speak, but my voice is a little hoarse. She brings water to my lips as I take a sip, thankful for the cool liquid going down my parched throat, before I attempt to talk again.


"Shh. You're okay. Everyone is fine. My dad is safe. Jon and the men captured the other guys. Your MC is all okay. I think Steel is still having fun with Josh though" she stifles a giggle.

"How long have I been out for? What did I miss?"

She starts to get teary-eyed again. "You've been out for three days Mick. I..I thought you weren't going to wake up" I look into her eyes, having missed her so much, "come here" I tell her, and she leans in while I lift slightly to give her a kiss. "Please stop crying Serene. I'm okay"

After a few moments, the Prez, Vick, Luke, and Jon all enter the room.

"You okay man?" says the Prez.

"I'm good man. Thanks for helping us out. I'll be back to the monster fighter in no time" I grin as Vick gives his signature hearty laugh at my statement.

I then turn to Luke, "I am so sorry..." but he raises his hand before I can finish. "You have nothing to be sorry for Mick. You've not only saved my life, but Serene's as well. You came for us. Your teachings are the reason we escaped out of the room. I owe you, yet again, son."

I get teary-eyed at his endearment and then notice Jon step forward. "We've located the rest of the men. We got the weapons back, and have shut down the entire network. We even found where they were holding the women hostage and have sent them to a care facility to ensure they are mentally and physically safe. This was a big win for us. Thank you."

I nod before addressing Jon, "It's Luke here you can thank. He let us use the weapons. I'm just happy it was worth it for everyone"

"Indeed it was" Jon replies. "Oh, and as promised. We left the Vipers with your MC to handle, and ken doll is awaiting your return as well"

I hear a chuckle in the background and notice Vick yet again, laughing. "Steel has given him the royal treatment for ya Mick. He's all loose for you to handle when you're good and ready"

I beam up at him. It's not often my fighting side comes out to play, especially since I keep it at bay, but I'm itching for my fist to meat flesh.

"What about Brian?" I ask. Remembering he was the reason, albeit moreso because of his stupidity, that Serene was caught in the first place. "I want to handle him"

"No" I hear from Serene, while I give her a perplexed look.

"He helped us Mick. Killed the boss. He was shot...he's in recovery now, barely made it out alive. I think it gave him the scare he needed to get his life on track. He's at a rehab facility, will be held there for the next year, forcibly by me. He has slight amnesia and some memory loss, but overall I think he'll come out okay, probably better than his original self. Please, let him go."

I curl my hand into a fist, but realize if Serene can forgive him, and if he did in fact save her, then I can let it slide. "Alright...but one wrong move by him again, and I'll slice him open like a turkey on Thanksgiving"

As the room chuckles in laughter, everyone quietly makes their way out, leaving me and Serene by ourselves.

"I'm so happy you're okay" I tell her while she slowly smiles at me.

"A bit ironic seeing as you're in the hospital."

I smile, but she continues, "Thank you for coming for us. Thank you for teaching me to defend myself. Thank you for making me strong again." Before I respond, she leans in for a kiss, making me forget what I was about to say. I groan into her, willing my body to move, but I know I still need a bit more recovery time before I'm released.

"Tell your father and Jon thank you. It was with their help too you know."

She nods and leaves me to rest a bit before my discharge in 2 days' time.

Before I head into a slumber, I smile, realizing that while Jon handled the mystery group and shut down their operations, I still have the Vipers and Josh on my hit list.

It was because of Josh that Serene was dragged into this mess. It was because of the Vipers, who have been terrorizing ROD, that he had the balls to grab women off the street. Men like him caused women in my self-defense class to lose their sense of self-worth, and when I get out of this hospital room, my second stop will be bashing his face in.

But my first stop will be to see Serene, and make sure I remind myself just how good that pussy is.

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