Chapter 5

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I get home, watching Micky drive off, knowing he has some MC business he needs to handle.

That man is an enigma. I think to myself. A Wall Street banker -- to a fund manager and MC fighter extraordinaire. I smirk at the thought.

I replay the thoughts of what happened at the training center over in my head and I'm shocked at the fact that I just divulged this secret I've had for the last 3 years of my life to a man I barely met.

No one knows the entirety of the situation, but Micky got the gist of it more than anyone who knows what happened.

I rest on the couch, turning on the TV, before I get back up again and head to the kitchen. I call my dad, letting him know that I'm home safe and to not bother picking me up and dropping me off.

I make a quick dinner which basically consists of heated up old pasta and take it back to the couch to eat and watch some TV when I hear the door knock.

I peek through and notice a police officer standing at the door. I cautiously open it, "Hello Officer. Can I help you?"

"Hi Ma'am. Are you by chance Serene Gray?"

"Yes, what is this about?"

He stills before continuing, "Ma-am I just wanted to update you on the unfortunate incident you filed with us about three years ago"

I suck in a deep breath. I went to the police that night to file a report on my rape, but my ex-boyfriend's friend, unfortunately, had bought his way out of it. Both he and my ex barely got off with a slap on the wrist. I knew one of the cops must have been on the payroll, but there was one honest cop there who still filed my report and took DNA evidence. He told me that guys like him do it again and it's always good to collect as many incident reports as possible to show patterns of abuse, that way - the case is built so strongly that not even Bill Gates could buy his way his way out.

"Yes what happened?"

"My fellow colleague who filed your claim that night --" He pauses, letting me know that he at least isn't on some criminal's payroll either.."He received another case with a woman who had the same semen on her that you did"

My mouth drops. I don't even know which one of them it could be. It was a little hard to decipher with the comingling of DNA so I don't think I would ever know.

He continues, "It seems he has more victims, but only this woman was brave enough to step forward, but that means he's back at it again and more frequently. I want to warn you to be careful in case he ...they... return. We are putting 24/7 surveillance on him for now. We know he's involved with an MC."

He pulls out a photo and shows it to me and I grab it.

I study the faces and I recognize my ex Brian and his friend Josh and I almost vomit my dinner back up.

I point to the face, "Brian, my ex, is the one on the left, and his friend is Josh is on the right"

The cop nods in acknowledgment. "It seems Josh is the one with the MC and we think it's his DNA on the other women as well"

I pause, "I'm not surprised. Many of Brian's troubles were due to him following in Josh's footsteps. I would expect Josh to lead the way in getting involved with a biker gang, and frankly, unless Brian had a change of heart, he's still probably acting as Josh's right-hand man"

I return the photo to the officer before he takes it and looks back at me, "I wanted to let you know that they are back on our radar and to be careful. The last photo was taken recently, and in a location not far from here. This is my personal cell. Please call me if you ever need anything"

I take his contact card and nod in appreciation before he leaves and I deadbolt the door.

I return to my couch, leaving the small amount of pasta left untouched, as I return the bowl to the kitchen and head upstairs to take a long, hot shower to ease my stressed-out muscles and aching head.


After I drop off Serene, I head to the ROD clubhouse and take a seat, waiting for the Prez and Vick to update me on their new hit.

Their tech guy brings the laptop over and begins to show me a few photos while Vick speaks.

"This is the guy who we've been seeing pop up a lot with our rival gang. From what we can tell, he's a 6'2" bitch that got to Wall Street, but through daddy's connections."

I take a look at one of the photos and zoom in on his face and recognize it almost immediately.

"I know him, his name is Josh Summers. Shady piece of shit that got involved in trashy deals, but no one complained because they made the banks money. Always rubbed me the wrong way" I chuckle before I begin where I left off, "If you're asking me to punch his face in - that would be a dream come true. My fist has been antsy to make acquaintance with his face the moment he walked into my office three years ago trying to swindle me out of a deal. He didn't like the fact that his client ditched him for me when I proved his brain cells were lacking" I smile, remembering the day like it was yesterday.

"How did he get connected with an MC?" I ask.

Vick starts to speak, but the Prez cuts him off, "Looks like his daddy had always had some MC dealings -- from his records, it looks like that's how he made his money in the first place, drug dealing, before he moved to Wall Street to try to turn the dirty money clean. He seems to be at least brighter than his son in numbers and was actually able to build his fortune. As for why his son is now with the MC, we think it's his father trying to pass the reins, but we can't be too sure."

I nod, taking in the information.

The Prez continues, "We need to send a message to him. A few broken bones, busted lip, make him look pretty so the MC gets the message. We called you in because during his record, we found out he has a couple of filings of rape accusations, but of course he walked away unscathed. We could use your help on this one."

Vick hands me a folder with the guy's records and I flip through when I see a name pop up from the page, "Serene Gray. Female. Age: 23. Incident: Rape. Evidence: Semen stains found in the vaginal opening and wounds around her wrists and ankles. Two assailants identified as the attackers, Brian Woods and Josh Summers.

I close the file quickly and hand it back to Vick before I clench my fists above the table. "I'll do it. So long as I can take my time with this one. I want to make him real pretty"

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