Chapter 20

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I scream as I see Mick hit the ground. We were so fucking close. I had kicked Brian awake to crawl to me to help untie my hands and soon enough, Mick's training came into play while I wrestled with the men at the door and shot them both in the head.

I knew he was here when the men came to grab me and my father. And now, to hear that gun go off, my heart stopped.

I tried to run to him, but was being held back.

"Check the bag for any explosives" I hear the boss state.

He walks over to me, cupping my face, "You, Princess, will be staying with me. And your daddy here, will ensure we make replicas of these weapons going forward."

I spit in his face and it doesn't take long for him to backhand me across the face, his rings cutting into my cheek.

"Fuck you and your limp fucking dick"

He turns to me again, but stops when we hear motorcycles in the background.

I turn and see Jon, his men, and Mick's MC coming in, guns aimed and shooting around the building.

I throw myself down and grab my father will me, leaping over him to protect him from any friendly fire shots. I hear him groan, still a little dizzy from just recently being woken up and dragged out of our holding room.

I look over and see Mick on the ground, but release a breath as I see his chest still moving up and down, praying that we can get to him in time. A guy from his motorcycle group approaches me to help untie me and that's when I notice the two dead bodies on the ground, but none of them being the boss's. "No, go get Mick. Please. My dad and I are fine, we aren't shot. Please get to him." I plead and I see the Prez widen his eyes once he sees Mick laying on the ground.

A few MC men rush over to try to get him into a car parked outside of the warehouse while Jon and his men rush over to me and my father.

"We need to find the boss. He escaped during the shootout, but take my dad with you."

A few of Jonathan's men grab him while I get up off my feet and make a run towards where Mick is being carried.

I stop in my tracks when I hear that familiar voice.

"Princess. You aren't leaving with those bags."

I turn around and notice Jon and his men are surrounded while members of the MC, Mick, and I are still a ways away from the car.


I try to think of a way to escape, but there are too many of them. We were relying on stealth and weaponry, but they were relying on numbers.

As I try to conjure up a plan, I hear a recognizable voice,

"Fuck you, you piece of shit." and a gunshot.

I see Brian, standing behind the boss, who now has a bullet in his head.

The boss's men start to pull out their guns, before I hear Jon speak up, "Now now, you heard Mick when he first got here. The bags we brought in carry explosives. One move and we'll blow everyone up so pull back."

They take an uneasy step back before Jon shouts again, "pull the fuck back before I change my mind and call the entire military on your ass. This is your last chance to get the fuck out before we show you what real US government methods of extraction look like"

They start to pull back, leaving Brian with blood splatters on his face before he collapses.

I want to go to him, but I also have Mick that I need to make sure is safe.

"Go to him Serene. He deserves you. Just, please, I hope you can forgive me"

I look at him as I see him about to pass out before I shout "I forgive you Brian!"

Tears are forming in my eyes, before I shout to anyone who can listen, "someone please, get him!"

My heart is hurting, the man I love is shot, the man I had history with, now barely breathing on the ground.

I hear someone, "Come on Serene. Your father's in the car on their way to the hospital. Come with me and Mick"

I turn around and see the Prez pointing to Vick who is hauling Mick into a car, and slowly bring my eyes to them so I can follow. Before I shut the door, I see Jon.

"Thank you for getting us out of here. How are you going to live knowing they're getting away?"

He gives me a smile. "They aren't getting away Serene. Don't you worry. Your dad is safe. Go. We will keep in touch"

I squeeze his hand and see him and a few of his men run off, wondering what their plan is, but unable to focus at the moment.

I ride in the car, with Prez and Vick up front, and Mick laying in the back, trying to keep him breathing.

"You're okay" I whisper, leaning in to kiss him and trying to suppress my crying.

"Where's Stich? Your men alright?" I ask, needing to get my thoughts elsewhere for the time being.

"Stitch is with Jon and his men. We surveilled the area well. Got plenty of facial ID on everyone who was there. They aren't getting away, don't you worry."

I smile, knowing that their operation will be shut down.

We get to the hospital and rush Mick in.

"Bullet wound" I state.

I see Vick pull out a card and hand it to a woman.

"What's that?" I ask, but he just shrugs. Jon gave us this card. Said to show to the hospital when we arrive if we needed it with either you, Mick, or your father. Some E-Z pass care for doing government work maybe? He chuckles at the thought and so do I.

They quickly take Mick and usher us into a waiting room while we wait for him to undergo the operation.

"My dad?"

I hear my earpiece chime in, forgetting I had it. "I'm here baby girl. I'm good. Safe. Just a minor concussion."

I breathe out. "How's Mick?" I respond quickly, "I hope he'll be okay dad. He's in the operating room now. Bullet wound."

He pauses a moment.

"He'll be okay Serene. He's a fighter."

I wait for what feels like hours, before I finally see the doctor appear and head over towards us.

"How is he?"

(A/N I was going to leave you guys on a cliffhanger here, but I don't want you all to go nuts!!)

He's stabilized, but he needs some rest. Not sure when he'll wake up, but we got the bullet out and patched up the damages. The rest is up to him, but he's lucky. No major organs were hit"

I collapse, with Vick catching me before I hit the ground.

"Can I see him?"

The doctor nods and I walk into the room, seeing him on the bed and my heart flutters. Tears form in my eyes when I see his state before I lean in and give him a kiss on the lips before I whisper on his ear, "My guardian angel Michael, come back to me. I'm waiting for you, my love."

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