Chapter 14

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I'm nervous that my dad is putting his company in jeopardy by working with MCs, but I have faith that Mick will do whatever he can to make sure that his connection to the group remains well-hidden.

The weapons my father has are incredible and Stitch and I easily start playing with all the tech gear while the Prez of the club, Vick, Mick, and his top fighters go towards the more "videogame-version" weapons, the ones that seem too unreal to even exist.

We have a week left to continue our planning, but so far, we've managed to collect quite a bit of intel.

Stitch has been monitoring security coverage and we know the time and place for Josh's frequent drop-offs. We know the warehouses for storage, and we have an inkling of where they conduct their trafficking. We haven't seen any women taken and that's good because I already told all men that the minute even one is abducted, we save her, no questions asked, even if the mission gets squashed. Those were my terms and I breathed a sigh of relief when no one fought me on it.

Prez thinks it's because I'm on the list, that I'm probably the first one they want to take from this area to test the waters before they expand their operations here. I already have multiple men from the MC following my every trail and so far, we have two men who have been suspiciously following me.

I can't tell if Brian knows of this portion of Josh's plan, or he's only involved in weapons and drugs, but either way, I plan on finding out.

Going against the warnings of the men in my life currently keeping me alive, I pretend to run into Brian, my ex. He goes to his usual coffee shop where Mick is already seated, ready to attack if needed, along with two bikers from ROD. Stitch is monitoring every camera around the vicinity in case anything goes wrong.

I walk in to order my coffee, when I pretend I'm shocked to see Brian there.

I know I have to be careful. I need to show enough fear to make this believable, but with enough determination to prove that I am better than how he left me.

"Brian. Can't say I haven't waited for this day to see you."

He takes a step back when he recognizes who I am.

"Serene...uh, what are you doing here?"

"Well for starters, getting a coffee. And now that you're here, maybe I could, oh, I don't know, cut your dick off so you never rape another girl again?" I hiss at him and his face turns red, looking around to make sure no one heard us.

"Listen. I'm fucking sorry. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. I was high, Josh was pushing me, I don't know okay. And I know that's not an excuse, but you need to get the fuck out of this area."

I tilt my head, pretending I don't know what he means. "Why? This is my home now asshole. And you think after that night I'd ever leave my house without a weapon? You or Josh come at me again and I'll put a bullet through your head"

He looks warily in all directions before he grabs my hand to drag me to a table. I'd usually push him off, but his facial expressions make me want to follow. I nod at Mick to stay down for now.

"Listen to me Serene. I fucked up. I don't deserve your apology. I was all about drugs and money. But I'm serious. You need to leave."

"Again, Brian. Why? I. live. here." I reiterate.

He looks around again, making sure no one is listening. "Josh is back okay? And it's not the same as when we were kids in college fucking around!"

"You still deal with that bastard?!" I barely keep my voice down as I see people turning around.

"Listen. I owe some folks money. He's helping me get it back. I'm not clean. But Josh, Josh is off the walls. He got into some deep shit that makes my problems look like fucking specs of dirt compared to what he's involved in. He won't tell me the details. I only do the drugs and other casual shit. But I know he's involved okay? And I know he's looking for you. You need to leave town Serene. He knows you're here. He is watching you."

"And why would I believe you Brian? You guys are best friends. You could be up each other's asses planning together as we speak. You think I forgot that night?"

His head leans low. "I'm not going to pretend that didn't happen Serene. I was old enough to know better. I'm not going to make excuses. But I swear to you, Josh was never supposed to be there that night. He drugged me, I don't fucking know! I barely remember myself. It's when he told me about it afterwards and what I did that things started coming together. I know it wasn't fully his fault. I was scum before I met him, but he just pushes me over the edge" I see his hands pulling at his hair, getting aggravated.

"What do you know Brian? You need to fucking give me a clue if you want to even remotely start making things up for me. I need to know so I can protect myself. If you feel any ounce of remorse for that night, you need to give me the opportunity to deal with Josh."

"No! You can't deal with him Serene. He's a lost cause. He's involved in...just let it go okay? He's working with an MC for fuck's sake. I don't know the details. I just get paid to take care of the drugs like I said."

I'm angry at the fact that he is once again letting Josh win and control his life. I grab the front of his shirt and pull him close to me, not caring that I'm drawing attention to us.

"Listen you motherfucker. I am so sick and tired that you basically let that man fuck you in the ass and you just take it like a bitch. I am not the same person I was Brian. You scared me once, but I will have no hesitation reaching into my pocket for my knife and slicing your balls off under the table right now if you don't talk. I don't fear you, and if you plan on spying on me as I leave this place to come after me, I swear to God I will kill you. So tell me what I need to know because you have no fucking idea what I've become and what I'll do to you. The records I have on you, the research I've done over the years to dig a grave for you and Josh...I will end you Brian and the only hope you have that you might not end up in a body bag like him is if you tell me."

I see him looking at me and I can see his body lean away. He's never seen me like this before. I've never spoken to him like this, I would never dare. He had the control in our relationship, he was the alpha. But in this moment, he knows that the old Serene is gone and he knows my threats aren't empty.

He takes out a pen and removes the sleeve from his coffee cup and proceeds to write down a few addresses before he grabs my coffee cup and slips the sleeve on.

"Those are addresses where the warehouses are located. He hasn't told me what he is dealing in so I imagine it's fucked up even for him. I don't know...national espionage, human trafficking, I don't fucking know. I don't want to know. Below that, you have 2 names. He's working with an MC called the Vipers. The two names there are international men he works with that help him transfer the money. I overheard him on the phone once. I don't know if the spelling is correct or not. All I know is I've overheard him talking to people about you and a lot of money is involved."

He looks up hesitantly before abruptly standing up, "I gotta go. But Serene, stay safe. As impossible as it may be - I do hope you...fuck...not resent me one day"

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