Chapter 10

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I run my fingers through my hair remembering my promise to Selene. I don't want her to see me as that animal. I don't want her to see blood on my hands. But, I do want her to have closure and when the time comes, I will give her that chance.

Since that night, Serene has been spending almost every night with me at my apartment after training and I'm fucking thrilled about it. I love having her close, especially with those assholes hot on her tail.

It's been almost two weeks of rigorous training and I'm impressed with how quickly she has learned all the techniques.

She's at work now, and I have some time before our training tonight so I head over to ROD's clubhouse to find out more details about Josh and see if I can get a handle on Brian.

I walk in and see Vick at the bar, beer in hand, with his Old Lady Eva. She's a firecracker and I've been training her ever since she met Vick, but fuck, she's so good that all I have to do is perfect her technique a bit.

Vick sees me and mentions to Eva he has to step off. He grabs the Prez and we head to their den for our meeting.

"So, what do you have on this fucker?" I start.

Stitch, the tech guru of the club, brings his laptop forward.

"We've been monitoring his location. He goes from his office straight to the Vipers MC and has been spending most of his nights there."

I tap my fingers on the desk, "I've had a few of my buddies spy on what he does at the office. He's fucking over clients big time and pocketing money on deals. He's probably using the MC as an investment tool where he can park his dirty cash."

"Yeah, but why would he do that? Can't he use some offshore accounts or other fucking tools you Suits use to money launder?" says Stitch.

"Yes, but they've been cracking down on those after the crisis. If he gets caught, he probably wants to blame the MC, saying they stole from him or some shit. His dad did the same nasty shit. Always moving money around with shady people so he had a scapegoat."

The Prez speaks up, "So you have an eye on him at the office, and we have an eye on him at the MC. How do want to proceed Mick?"

I think for a bit, before speaking, "I want 2 men with me. I'm going to hit him as he moves from one place to another, where he will be alone. His worlds can't collide just yet. If his wall street buddies find out about his involvement with the MC, that will be an immediate red flag. But I have a favor to ask of you guys. And feel free to say no. I know I'm not a full MC member, I know I have no entitlements to full protection or anything like that. But, if possible, I want to have some protection assigned to a girl I'm training."

They look up at me silently so I continue, "She's a girl that is taking self-defense classes at my training center. She was the victim mentioned in Josh's file. I will be with her as much as I can to protect her, but when I'm not there, I want someone to have her back. I'm already hiring men to do that, but it would be nice to have someone I know who knows all the MC dealings to be there as well."

I pause.

I look up after a beat to see the Prez smiling, "She your Old Lady Micky?"

He chuckles before I take a moment to respond, "Why would you guess that?"

"Because I see that look in your eye. That dumb fuck look I had when I saw Eva" says Vick, with a big grin on his face. "You are officially whipped by pussy brother."

"We will protect her Mick. You have a club sleeve after all and I know you aren't one of us officially, as you so like to remind us, but you've served us without ever asking for anything in return. It's the least we could do. It's been 3 years and you have always had our backs, no questions asked. I am happy to be able to give you something that you fancy suits can't buy" says the Prez.

I nod in agreement before I turn to Stitch. "Question for you brother. That Josh guy, the other name in his file...Brian Woods. Has he been spotted anywhere near Josh?"

Stitch types furiously at his laptop while taking a look through his research, "Nah man. Haven't seen his face anywhere yet. Not sure what his involvement is. But I remember it was him and Summers who attacked your lady. I'll put a tracker on him. Anyone who fucks with women like that and is tied to the Vipers, we gotta know about their whereabouts anyway, just in case. If I find anything, you'll be the first to know."

I nod in understanding, thanking the brothers for their time and head to the training center. I have some time before training with Serene so I stop to grab a quick coffee and a bite to eat when I notice a familiar face.

Brian Woods.

I still, trying to turn slowly so he doesn't see me, even though he won't know who I am. He's talking to someone and I try to figure out who it is.

The other guy turns and I recognize him from one of the photos - one of the Vipers guys, but can't tell what his role is for the club.

I wait until both men leave the coffee shop and see Brian get into his car, while the other guy hops on the bike. I manage to take a few quick pictures with my cell and text them to Stitch.

>> Hey Stitch. Saw Brian and a Vipers guy at coffee shop. Here are their faces and plate numbers. U sure he hasn't been seen w/ Josh @ at the MC? <<

>>Positive brother. Maybe they are working against each other at the MC? <<

I pause to think. I would be pretty fucking stupid if the MC reaches out to the both of them and have them working against each other. Why the fuck would Brian be pulled into this shit with Josh?

I think before texting Stitch back

>>I'll call up my Wall Street contact to see if maybe Brian got into some financial trouble with Josh. Would explain his involvement.<<

>>Sounds good Mick. I'll check his bank statements<<

I put my phone away, get into the car and head to the training facility. My heart beating wildly as I see Serene already waiting to start training. Before I reach her, I feel my phone vibrate with another text and I see it's from Stitch so I pop it open.

>>Shit Mick. Brian and Josh are in some deep shit.<<

>>What's up?<<

>>Come to clubhouse tmrw. It's not just dirty money man. Josh fucked up big time and is taking that fucker Brian down with him. Don't let Serene out of your sight.<<


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