Chapter 3

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"Coming dad!" I shout out as I hear the front door to my apartment open up. My dad called me yesterday to let me know he would stop by to pick me up and introduce me to someone. He didn't give me much background information, just that supposedly this was the man who saved my father's life three years ago.

My dad and I were in a rough spot back then. He started drinking alcohol hard after my mom passed away and there was nothing I could do for him. I begged him to take better care of himself, offered him my savings -- but nothing helped, especially since I was struggling with my own demons.

I was always a straight A kid in school. My parents and I had pretty humble beginnings, but I never felt poor; I was surrounded by love. I was studious, took college seriously, took my first job seriously, everything in my life was always so serious that I never really had enough time to develop my personal life after two horrible relationships and one night that completely broke me. Can't fix someone else if you yourself aren't whole.

When I finally thought that my father had hit rock bottom, he came home and something flipped in him. He stopped drinking cold turkey, started going back to work, entered a rehabilitation program, did a complete 180 on his life. I wondered what had happened to him and he just kept saying "an angel named Michael gave me a second chance". At first I thought he was high and getting biblical on me, but he wouldn't budge on his explanation.

I was so happy to see him finally back together, but that also meant his clarity was back, and he could feel I was the one who now needed help.

He knew the big picture of what happened that night, but I never fully told him the details and he knew there was more, but didn't push me. And then out of the blue, he called me yesterday saying it was time for me to meet his angel.

All I was told was to dress in workout clothes and to accept the offer. And now, here I am, in some black gym shorts, white sports bra, and black sneakers with bright pink laces.

I head to the door and see my dad in his full suit coming after work, "ready sweetheart?"

"Yes dad. Where are we going again?"

"You'll see. Just promise me you stick to the program until the end"

"Dad, if you're taking me to a therapist I'm leaving right now," I answer, feeling anxiety creep up.

"No honey, you're in gym gear, relax. Like I said, you're going to meet the man who saved my life three years ago. I have a good feeling about him. I think he can help you"

I nod, going towards the passenger seat and we sit in silence as we reach a training facility with a big sign that just says "Mick's".

"Go ahead dad, I need to return a quick call to my coworker, but I'll be in shortly" I state.

Soon enough, I head inside the facility and as I open the door, I see a man talking with my father that almost makes me lose my breath.

He's tall, 6'2" maybe, all muscle, with a sleeve tattoo that spreads out slowly on one of his pecks. His chest, arms, legs, everything is all muscle. I stare, dumb-founded until my father pulls me back to reality, "Honey, this is Michael. Goes by Mick or Micky. He will be your personal trainer for self-defense classes."

I slowly turn to look at him and extend my hand shakily. He grabs it firmly before speaking to me, "Hi Serene. Like your dad mentioned, I'm Mick and this here is my training facility where I teach all forms of fighting, including a special program for women's self-defense. The program is a lengthy one in its entirety, about 6 months minimum, but relatively flexible. Although I hope you stay the full time."

I notice a slight smile in his eyes as he says the last part before I hear my dad speak up "Alright, I'll leave you two to it. Honey, call me when you're done and I'll drop you back off at the apartment since we took my car here. And Michael, thanks again for this"

My dad walks back to the car while I turn to Mick,"So Mick. I hear you're my dad's angel who saved his life three years ago. Thank you by the way"

He tilts his head at me before speaking, "Yes I remember that night. Didn't think I'd ever see him again" he chuckles before continuing, "especially not in a suit and introducing me to his daughter. The 'angel' title is a little heavy. We both changed each other's lives for the better that night. A simple, 'right place, right time' scenario was what it was"

I nod, "Either way, we both pretty much owe you our lives. You gave me my father back" I smile warmly.

He leads the way to an empty room with weights, the whole floor a thick mat. "So Serene, this is where we will train. If this time works for you every day, we can do that. I know daily is a lot, but we can change it up depending on your schedule." He pauses, before I respond, "Yes I can do every day this time. I finish work right before and this place is close to that and my apartment so it works out great"

He smiles before continuing, "We'll start the actual training tomorrow. Now, I just want you to get familiar with the facilities, with me, and hopefully, I get to learn a bit about you. The self-defense course requires a lot of trust in me. I push you, overpower you, and put you in positions of weakness on purpose to make sure you are physically and mentally prepared for any attack. In order to do that in a safe environment, trust is of the essence. I need to know what your limits are, as much as you are willing to share, to make sure I don't overdo it and ease you into the program. Is that alright with you?"

I nod, feeling slightly anxious about sharing anything too personal with me.

"Alright, let's show you around the gym and then we can come back here and talk"

I get a tour and the place is incredible. State-of-the-art equipment. I see Mick's trophies and damn, the guy can fight. An entire wall is covered with his medals and pictures of him fighting.

We head back to the room and he motions for me to sit on the floor and he sits right across from me before he begins, "Ok Serene. I'll go first. I started this club about three years ago after meeting your father actually. I defended him against a few thugs one night and realized I wanted to more with my life than work a desk job. I was on Wall Street before that, but as much as that job gives you money, it severely lacks in human compassion and I wanted more. That night with your father showed me what I can do so I quit my job and started this facility among a few other ventures. My first clients were actually people from an MC called the Ride or Die" He chuckles and I laugh. "Interesting turn of events indeed." I tell him.

"What about you? Can you talk to me a bit about why your father thought coming here was a good idea?"

He looks up and I know he can see how alarmed I am. I start to hyperventilate a little and I try to calm down, but for some reason, the combination of the flashback and his strong presence and gaze are causing my emotions to go into overdrive.

He slowly approaches me, "May I?" I see him extend his hands toward me and I nod. He seems to know what to do in situations like these which confirms that he's dealt with abused women before during his training.

He grabs one of my hands while the other slowly goes up and down towards my back, trying to calm me.

An immediate feeling of calm washes over me and I'm startled at how quickly I respond to him. No contact, especially a man's, has done this before. I hear him say "Whenever you're ready. Take your time and breathe. Share only what you're comfortable with."

With a small smile, I start to do the one thing I haven't done in years - trust.

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