Chapter 7

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"Serene, I know this is mixing business with pleasure, but I would kick myself if I let this opportunity pass me by...can I take you out to dinner?" I tell her, as I quickly lift myself off the mat and extend a hand to help her up as well.

"I'd like that" She responds, making me giddy like a damn school boy. "Do you want to go now? I don't really have any other plans, just have to go home to get ready."

I beam at her, excited that I don't have to wait long in order to spend more time with her.

"Not a problem Serene, I can drop you off to get ready and then I can take you to my apartment while I get ready? Minimizes the back and forth."

She nods and we head over to my car as I open the door for her to step in. We drive to her place and she hops off, unlocking the door and motioning for me to sit on the couch.

"Would you like anything to drink while we wait? Water, snacks?"

"I'm okay thank you, don't rush. I'll make a few calls in the meantime"

She smiles as she heads to her bedroom to get ready. I hear her turn on the shower in the background and already feel the bulge in my pants as I picture her showering with me. I readjust my pants as I take my phone out -- seeing I have a few texts from Vick.

He wants to set up a meeting with me tomorrow to go over Josh's daily routine. Perfect. I think to myself. I have already been making the necessary calls with my Wall Street friends to see what the fucker has been up to. And just as I suspected, he's made quite a few enemies with all the shady deals he's been doing. Easy to have people spy on him for me, especially when I told them what a fucking rapist he is.

I play with the idea of telling Serene, but I don't want to get her hopes up until he's already in my hands. I smile inside, thinking of the ways I could beat his body to a pulp. I must have been a lion in my afterlife I chuckle to myself; the taste of blood and the ripping of skin to shreds are all too tempting in my current one.

As I formulate my thoughts into my head, I hear footsteps and look up, fuck she looks amazing.

Her beautiful brown hair is slightly curled, her lips a soft shade of deep red that matches her current blush on her face beautifully. Her bright green eyes stand out with her strong thick lashes curled and a bit of dark eyeshadow around the edge. And her dress, a gorgeous form-fitting black dress slightly above the knee with a side slit. Simple, but utterly classic. Fuck me. Concentrating will be hard tonight.

"You look beautiful Serene. Absolutely breath-taking" I state honestly, watching her blush turn a deeper shade of pink.

"Thank you" she breathes out.

I reach out to take her hand, "May I?" I ask, as she places her soft, warm hands in mine and I take her back to the car.

We start to drive towards my apartment and park the car in the garage before we head up to the penthouse.

"Wow you have a beautiful home Micky"

"Thank you" I state, as I watch her take it all in. It's huge, I'll admit. My time on Wall Street and my side investment firm have been good to me. The penthouse was recently purchased for a little over $10mm, with gorgeous views of the city. I wouldn't exactly call it a home, just a place I unwind and sleep. Home would be a place with wife and children running around...I stop that train of thought right away before I get carried away.

I take a quick shower and change into suit pants and a button down, leaving the top slightly open before I step out and I notice her appreciative gaze travel up and down my body, making me smirk inside.

"Let's go. I made us a reservation at one of the Michelin stars here. Your dress is too beautiful to take you to McDonalds" I wink at her, "We know the food will be great, but I'm sure the portions are pigeon-sized so if you're still hungry, then we can stop at McDonalds"

She laughs at that, a genuine smile on her face and I know I'm already falling for this girl hard.

We reach the restaurant while we order food and some wine since we left my apartment with a cab to make sure we don't have to worry about getting back home if we decide to drink.

"So...Micky, tell me a bit about how your relationship with the MC works if you don't mind" She nibbles on her lip as I groan internally.

"You know already about my time at Wall Street and my investing, so the MC involvement truly fell into my lap. A guy from the club caught me fighting off the men who were attacking your dad one night. I was...brutal" I pause, looking to see her facial expressions, but she showed nothing but pure curiosity instead of fear, so I continue, "He showed up to my apartment the next day asking if I want to train his men to fight like me. I had unleashed an animal that night, but I didn't regret it. I knew my purpose in life was more than just dealing with rich people and I felt that the MC gave me that escape to actually help people. I did my background check on them as I didn't want to be involved with a bunch of gangbangers, but they're legit. So ever since then, I run my firm on the side, lead my defense classes, and work for them when they need me."

"What are some of the missions you help them with?"

I pause, knowing I want to tread lightly. "Well, my recent case is about a couple of guys who are from my old Wall Street world that are getting involved with MCs who do some shady stuff. My current target is a guy who hurts women." I feel my fists clench and my jaw tighten.

She nods in understanding as she starts to pick at her food. I reach out to hold her hand, "Serene, I meant it then and I'll say it as many times as you need to hear it, if you are ever in a situation where you need help, come to me. No questions asked. Ever."

She squeezes my hand in acknowledgment. "Thank you Micky. If you're free tomorrow, I can share with you what's been happening with my old case if that's okay. I don't really want to get into it now. Now, I just want to enjoy our dinner."

I smile inside, hoping she will open up to me tomorrow.

We finish dinner as we learn more about each other, and it was one of the best dates I've ever had with a woman. She's bright, cunning, witty, overall an incredible human being and I know if her family life were different, she would be a boss bitch at any career she chose.

I call one of my personal drivers to pick us up in one of my cars, trusting him more than a random cab driver to take us home now that it's late and I'm slightly tipsy.

I don't want to press my luck anymore, but fuck, I'm a high-risk high-reward mentality so I have to know, "Serene, by no means is there any pressure. But I loved spending time with you and if you would like, I would love for you to spend the night at my place. I promise you on my life we can do whatever you want. Watch a movie after dinner, enjoy a glass of wine, anything. I just want to be close to you a little longer. And frankly I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't also want to sleep with you, but just being near you is enough"

I hope I'm not being too forward, but I can't help it. I'm addicted.

"I'd like that too" she finally breathes out, as I take her hand in mine, waiting to get back to my place.

A/N: Stay tuned for the next chapter... ;)

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