Looking At You (Hijikata Toshirou)

Start from the beginning

"Toshi....IS HAVING AN AFFAIR?!" (Y/N) who was standing and hiding in the snacks section, just happened to witness the scene and gasped.


"Ah, so irritating!"Gintoki, Kagura and Shinpachi were out at the park, as well as (Y/N), who Gintoki dragged along when they bumped into her dejected figure walking out from a convenience store.

They were watching lovers everywhere and they felt sick. "Where do they even come from?" Kagura mutters angrily.

"They do this whenever the weather's good," Shinpachi says with a deep sigh.

"....Love doesn't exist anymore. All that lives in my heart is this black thing called hate and anger." (Y/N) sighs as she sipped on a strawberry milk carton given to her by Gintoki.

"Ah! I can't stand it, (Y/N)! Do it with me once!"Gintoki says as (Y/N) steps on his foot.

"No, thank you." She refused as she stood up. "I have somewhere to go, it was nice seeing you guys again!" She bid goodbye and walked away.

"Ahhh! That hurts! That hurts! Tsk, stingy woman with monstrous strength."Gintoki cries as (Y/N) scoffs and walked away with a flip of her hair.

"I said that wasn't it!!"

They heard a voice behind them that sounded oddly familiar and so they hid behind the bush and peeked to see Hijikata with a girl who had an orange bob cut hair.

"Listen, I was ordered by your father to act that way, since they're not here I'm not acting anymore." Hijikata desperately explained but the girl was just admiring him with hearts for eyes.

"Anyway, I have to get back to work, maybe we can go on a date later!" Kuriko says as she ran away without even understanding Hijikata's explanations.

"Hey, we're professional relationship breakers." Gintoki smirked, "We'll be able to help you." Shinpachi suggested with a smug smile.

"We'll do anything for money and white rice!" Kagura declares with a smug smile. "You heard everything?" Hijikata sighs exasperatedly at the trio.

"Anyways, you said you're professional relationship breakers right? Do it, I don't care anymore." Hijikata says as he waved his hand at them. Then, he looked up at the sky.

'...I just want to go home to (Y/N).'


"Oh, Pervert Otaku, huh?" Kagura nodded in approval, Hijikata and Kuriko were walking in front while Gintoki, Kagura, and Shinpachi were following closely behind.

"Ugh, disgusting. Otaku's are really disgusting," Kagura says with a disgusted face. "Hey! You were looking at me right?! Definitely me!" Shinpachi yells at her.

"No woman will like a guy who watches that sort of stuff," Gintoki sneers.

(Y/N) was walking by, with a bunch of groceries in hand when she sees Hijikata with a woman hanging on his arm. She gasped and hid from their sight.

"...They're even going on a date!" (Y/N) clenched her fist and nodded determinedly.

"I'm gonna follow them around today— and then, I'll catch him in the act!!"


"She's formidable." Kagura says, "Gin-san, Kagura-chan's turning violent." Shinpachi says, turning to Gintoki.

"Alright, I guess I'll have to pull out that one," Gintoki says as they enter a restaurant, following behind Hijikata and Kuriko.

"Oh, Gintoki! What a coincidence!!" (Y/N) says as she casually approached Gintoki and the gang.

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