Is There A Reason? (Sakata Kintoki)

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After getting spared by Gintoki, and repaired by Gengai. Sakata Kintoki has decided to live his life by being of use to other people. Yet, he hadn't found the one he wanted to dedicate his life.

He roamed from place to place, in search of a place where he might finally belong. That was when he ended up in a very small village. Exhausted and thirsty, Kintoki had shut down in front of a small home.

That was when he met (Y/N), his saviour and the soon light of his life. (Y/N) was the kind woman, who had taken in Kintoki. She was  freelance teacher who taught poor kids at the park and worked as a doctor in her small home.

She found him right outside her doorstep, and then she gave him a place to stay. At first, Kintoki did not want to stay there, but after witnessing how the woman lived. He got curious. How can there be such a kind woman who helped anyone she saw and gave what little she had?

Because of this, Kintoki desired to learn more about her and the reason she lived her life like this. This was then, when Kintoki felt something that he knew wasn't supposed to. He felt love. Even he was confused, at how a robot like him could feel human emotions.

But he understood, that he learned it from (Y/N), her love gave birth to the passion, kindness and purity that Kintoki saw and soon had.

"That's all for today then, tomorrow— don't forget to come here on time!~" (Y/N) shut her book close as the kids smiled and went back to their own homes. She strode over to the tree where Kintoki was leaning on and smiled softly at him.

"Are you done for the day?" Kintoki asks her, opening one eye– his blue orbs meeting her kind (E/C) ones. "For the lessons, I am. But my job as a doctor has no break time, especially when someone needs my help." (Y/N) winks at him as she started walking back to her home, Kintoki following after her.

"(Y/N)-sensei! We were afraid you weren't in here! M-My wife burned her hand!" A man was standing right in front of her clinic, with a woman beside him. "Don't worry, let me take a look at it." (Y/N) assured him softly as she let them in.

"Kintoki, could you get me some bandages and ointment?" (Y/N) calls out as she examined the woman's wound. ''Of course." Kintoki replies with a curt nod before bringing it to her.

After she had bandaged the woman's wounds, the man thanked her and was about to pay for it. "No, it's alright. Payment is not needed." She pushed his hand back and smiled at them. "You are too kind, (Y/N)-sensei." The man says as they went away.

"Say, Kintoki. Could you get a few things from the store? I think we're running out on some supplies." (Y/N) says, as Kintoki halts from what he was doing. "What do you need?" He asks when she handed him a list.

"I'll go now." He smiles at (Y/N) as she smiled back at him. Somehow, something was bugging Kintoki, like something was wrong. He felt uneasy.

"(Y/N)?...I'm back." Kintoki entered the dark house, cautiously looking around. It was eerily quiet– something wasn't right. He knew it. Kintoki snapped his head towards the living room where she should've been but she wasn't.

"(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yells as he ran around inside, seeing no signs of the (H/C) haired woman. Then, he went inside the room where she usually treated patients and found a man holding her up by her neck.

"Kin.....Toki!" (Y/N) managed to croak out before her eyes shut dead. Kintoki felt rage blossom inside his body as he quickly punched the guy who was attacking (Y/N). He seemed like a convict, and he was injured– yet, his wounds seemed like they were just patched up.

Kintoki watched the man closely and realized that (Y/N) was treating his injuries and yet, he had still attacked her. After the man was gone, Kintoki worriedly checked up on (Y/N).

He felt useless. Not knowing what to do to help her, as all that she did for him. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open.

"Kintoki...are you alright?" She asks softly, placing her hand on top of his and Kintoki's eyes lowered down.

"I'm sorry, if I had been faster this wouldn't have happened." He muttered out with guilt in his voice. "It's not your fault. I did that, I noticed that he was near my home but did not enter bevause you were here. I did not expect him to attack me as soon as I finished fixing his wounds though." (Y/N) says as Kintoki's blue eyes snap at her.

"(Y/N), Why are you so kind? You're putting yourself in danger by doing so! You help others whether they are bad or good, you help total strangers and give them everything you possibly could. Yet you receive nothing in return." Kintoki rambled on, as (Y/N)'s eyes softened at him.

"You saved me, not knowing what I've done or who I am. Yet, you've given me everything I could ever ask for. I thought I would never be able to feel love and yet, you were able to make me feel love. You're a total mystery to me." He says, as his eyes connect with hers.

Suddenly, (Y/N) leans her head into his chest and hugged him. "There is enough sadness in this world, and yet, there can never be enough kindness," She spoke softly.

"Whatever you've done does not matter to me, what matters is what you are doing now to atone for what you've done."

Kintoki's mouth slightly opened, he was touched by her words. And he decided that meeting the woman named (Y/N) was the best thing that had ever happened in his life.

"Is there a reason to show kindness? A reason to help others? There is none. Listen, Kintoki– life is the most precious thing in this world. That's why you should always treasure it." She looked up and met with his blue orbs. Her eyes were brimming with kindness and purity.

"The most beautiful form of life, is love, itself." She says as now cupped his cheeks with her hands. "If you don't have a place to belong, I am always here. You can be with me, and I...will always be with you." She says as her eyes flutter close and she leans in to connect their lips.

"I love you..." Kintoki spoke shortly after they pulled away and she grinned, "I love you too."



Kintoki is cute! But Gintoki is still love! I'm sorry if this isn't good, it's as per your request pinecest15 I don't know if I'm all that good at this becoz it's my first time writing Kintoki!

Requests still open! ♥️♥️♥️

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