Well, I never saw Troy in pink before. It was kind of cute actually.

I could hear his heartbeat, beating erratically. His breathing was calm, but coming out in pants. His whiskers formed a grin, even in his slumber.

He was happy, like in cloud nine happy. And I was happy for him too. I didn’t want to interrupt them, so I turned and wanted to close the door. But, I froze when I heard his voice.

“Chace…” I instantly went inside the room and closed the door.

“Troy? Are you okay?” I looked at him in the eyes. I took slow steps towards him. I don’t want to surprise him. I heard Spectras can be pretty possessive with their soulmates.

“Never been better…” he grinned widely and nodded to his soulmate. As I reached them, I took the seat next to the bed. I patted Troy’s head, and he purred by my touch. How I missed him and his spoilness.

“So, what’s her name?” I asked, even if I knew. I just wanted to start a conversation with him.

“Allyra. Very beautiful, isn’t she?” he asked in a very loving way. Man, Troy is definitely in love. I could see it on his goofy cat grin.

“Yes, she is very beautiful…” I trailed off. I wanted to pat Ally’s head, but he growled softly making me back up and raise my hands at the sides. I don’t want to raise his anger for the time being. He deserves his happiness right now.

“Whoa, chill lover cat. I won’t touch her. So, has she woken up yet?” I smiled at his behavior. I won’t be surprised if I’m like him too when I meet her. Which I will be meeting soon, I predicted. I can’t wait, but I’m scared at the same time.

“Sorry, I’m not used in controlling my animal instincts yet when it comes to my soulmate. It’s just, I’m feeling the need to protect her, and well, I really love her and wouldn’t want her to get hurt. Yes, she did wake up moments ago, but she freaked when she did. She’s not used to her surrounding I guess. Man, she even freaked out when she saw me. But I talked her out of it…” his eyes instantly when dreamy again.

“Yeah right…” I snorted.

I don’t believe that he just ‘talked’ about it. I earned a tail punch at the back of my head and we laughed. Troy’s fur instantly shifted to a bright yellow. How I missed these moments. I hope I won’t lose it again.

“Troy, I’m sorry…” I blurted out suddenly. He raised his brow, and I just continued on.

“I’m sorry, for keeping you away from your soulmate. It must be hard being away from her…”

“Chace, as much as I want to believe it, I forgive you…” he said lowly.

“You do?” My face lightened up into a wide smile and Troy chuckled.

“Actually, I did it a long time ago. Hell, I don’t understand why you did it. I think I’ll never do. But you’re my brother, my bender, Chace, and I’ll always look out for you…even if you pull out idiotic stunts…” he teased.

I felt touched with his words. He was the best Spectra a guy can ever ask. Before I could speak up again, a voice boomed from behind us, making me gulp loudly. Here it goes…

“What in the name is all this?!” Chief Richard, let me correct that. A fuming Chief Richard and snarling Ramon stood by the now wide opened door, glaring at us.

“You two were…my daughters…all along?!” I think he was so angry; he didn’t get to utter those words completely. I looked passed them and saw Jer and Caden behind them. Let’s just say they had disapproving looks too.

The Colours of A GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now