Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)

Start from the beginning

“I served in Vietnam, yes,” he answered. “Your name sounds familiar... Did you write the book about the social injustices in the country?”

“I did.” you smiled.

Conrad looked at you with pride and astonishment in his eyes.

“Hey, Mason. Did you want to have a cafe day today or tomorrow?”

Mason glanced at you and Conrad. “Maybe tomorrow. I'm still tired from the flight.”

“Okay then,” you smiled. “Let's get you home.” you lead them towards your vehicle while Mason gave knowing looks towards Conrad to which he rolled his eyes in reply.

“Tell me about your trip, come on!” you looked at Mason through the rearview mirror once the three of you got settled into the car and you began driving to her apartment.

“It was very weird and scary at first, because we got split up by the stormy atmosphere. But it all went smoothly after that. We met a strander vet along with some natives and we vibed.” Mason chuckled at the memory of taking adorable pictures with the natives there.

“A lot of mosquitoes though.” Conrad added.

“Yeah, they were huge.” Mason confirmed.

“Did you find what they were looking for?” you asked curiously.

“Sadly, no. We were motivated by a hoax.” Conrad answered for Mason.

“That was a bummer. But at least we got to explore the South Pacific for a bit so that's nice.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” you smiled. “I'm happy you're all in one piece.”

“Yeah, me too.” Mason replied.

The three of you sat in silence, only the car engine and the soft echo of the radio can be heard. You saw Mason's apartment building in the distance and went straight for it. You parked and stepped out of the car to hug Mason goodbye one last time.

“Same cafe tomorrow, right?” you asked.

She nodded. “Like the way we used to do it.” Mason smiled at you before entering her apartment building, leaving you and Conrad alone.

“Where are you off to?” you asked him.

He shrygged. “Wherever a motel is.” he answered and walked began walking away.

“The nearest motel is a half hour drive from here.” you informed him.

“I'll be alright on my toes.” he reassured you.

“Let me drive you there. My house is a block from the motel, you'll cause me no trouble,” you offered kindly. “A friend of Mason's a friend of mine. Get in the car, Captain.” you said confidently and sat in the driver's seat. James reluctantly walked back to your car and sat himself in the front passenger's street.

“You know, a former Captain like myself should not be ordered around like that.” he said, trying to start banter.

“Well, you're not a Captain now, are you?”

“Hm. I suppose not.”

“Are you happy you're not serving anymore?” you asked him a genuine question.

“I wouldn't exactly say ‘happy’ but I am more at peace. I plan to live life as such. What about you? Are you not at all scared at the notion of writing controversial content?”

“I am, kind of. You know my books aren't as anonymous now and I was stupid enough to publish under my real name, so a couple targets might be on my back,” you glanced at him for a moment. “Why'd you ask? Are you gonna fight the bad guys away for my sake?” you joked, thankfully he chuckled as well.

“Maybe.” he shrugged, glancing back at you.

You shook your head jokingly in response. “Am I to count on you then whenever I'm in trouble, James?”

“As long as you're not in trouble for something illegal,” he teased. “Also it's just Conrad.”

“You're not in the military anymore, there's no need to call you strictly by your surname.” you argued.

“What if I find the name ‘Conrad’ endearing?”

“Then there will be exemptions.”

“Ah, I see.” he replied. You chuckled before turning and pulling up into the driveway of the motel.

“Here you are.” You declared gleefully. Conrad got out of the car and walked over to your side of the vehicle. He dipped his head so you can speak to him eye to eye.

“Thank you.” he said quietly.

“You're very much welcome, James.” you replied happily and winked at the little inside joke you two managed to make. He laughed.

“I was wondering if you had any plans after your and Mason's cafe date...” he absolutely did not see himself asking a girl out after one ride but he liked bantering with you and you seemed to compliment him nicely.

“Oh, none at all. Why? Do you want me to drive you around again?” you asked jokingly.

He sniggered and shrugged. “Not exactly. I was thinking something more formal and worthwhile.”

You hummed happily. “Tell me what time and surprise me. I live a block from here in that big brick building in room 23C on the fifth floor.” you informed him.

“5:30pm, just before sunset. I'll be at your doorstep.”

“You better not be late, Captain,” you smirked. “See ya!”

“I'll see you tomorrow.” James nodded before you started the car engine again and he went inside the motel.

You smiled happily while driving down a couple streets. You laughed at the idea of having multiple coffee dates with Mason, telling her about the dates you had with James.

Boy, this was going to be fun.
Do you guys want a part 2 of the date?

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