Chapter Thirteen: Competition

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The only class I have with Arin is gym which completely sucks. That's the one class you do not want to be in with Arin. 

Echo isn't here either. 

Coach Lee stands in front of our class consisting more of boys than girls. I'm a freshman, but there's sophomores, too. Most of them wear tank tops and gym shorts, but I wear a long sleeve shirt with gym shorts. I don't sweat so it's no problem. 

"All right, today we're practicing on hitting the volleyball since we're going to be playing it," Lee says. 

"Seriously, Coach? Practicing hitting a volleyball? That's the easiest thing ever," Arin complains. 

He towers over everyone. Even me. He's pretty burly with thick brown hair, and there's always a scowl on his face. He never seems like he's happy... Though, his emotion never stray far from anger. There's always bitterness in his heated brown eyes. 

"Then why do people have trouble hitting it, Arin?" Lee challenges. 

Arin rolls his eyes. "Maybe they should drop out of gym," he says as he looks over at me. 

My eyes narrow as I look up at him. "I don't know why you're looking at me. I can hit better than you, dog." 

Arin stalks towards me and grabs me by the collar of my shirt. "No, you can't," he growls. 

My nose crinkles up at the werewolf stench that he has radiating off him. It's worse than the wet dog smell. 

"Well, you two will be paired up together since you two think you're better than the other," Lee says. 

"What?" I ask Lee in surprise. "Me partnered with him? Are you trying to make a fight start, Coach?" 

Lee sighs tiredly. "Clipper, do me a favor and get in a fight. Nothing happens in this goddamn school except people crying over a loved one that got killed by a vampire. So please be my guest. Fight." 

My brows raise in surprise at his willingness. "Well, okay then..." 

"Awesome," Arin growls. 

I turn my head to look at him. "You're only strong around full moons, dog," I mutter as I jerk away from him. "You're two weeks away from a full moon... You're picking a fight at the wrong-ass time." 

Arin's eyes narrow. He knows that I know what he is, and I think he's been trying to figure out what I am. Like hell I'm going to tell him though. He'll probably tell his other dog family. Maybe even the little pups he has if he has any. I'm not surprise if he is a father. Werewolves are nothing but sex machines. It's all they do. Breed, breed, breed, and breed. 

We go to our spots in the gym and start hitting the volleyball to each other. I guess we're working on aiming and how accurate you can hit. I'm accurate on every singe one but not Arin. He might as well be human right now. The only time he's actually supernaturally strong is during a full moon at night. 

Arin smiles as he flexes his large, muscular arms. "Ah, yep, Echo loves it when I flex," he says with a cocky smile. 

The blood drains from my face as I squeeze the volleyball between my hands. "Really now?" I ask sarcastically as I toss the ball in the air and then hit it. It flies straight across and slams straight into Arin's chest. 

And he falls on the ground gasping for air.

"Get up, dog, if you're so tough to flex," I snap coldly as I place my hands on my hips. "Get up, tough guy." 

He lies on the floor for a moment gasping for air, and when he's back on his feet, he hits the ball, but it's weak and hits the floor before it ever reaches me. 

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