Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pain and Guilt

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"I shouldn't have left Zuriel behind, Sebastian," I whisper to the ghost as I run down the street, pushing by the humans as they all rush into their houses as the sun sets. 

All around us are people panicking. They scatter to hide from the darkness. Everybody is afraid of the darkness but Sebastian and me. I'm just afraid for Zuriel. For the years I've known him and watching him shove vampire blood down his throat, I have respect for him for trying. I don't think he had any idea what he was doing though. 

It was Calico... That stupid witch is controlling him...

The reason the vampire blood hasn't killed him yet isn't because he's a hybrid. No. He's something else now. He's something beyond a vampire or a hybrid now. He's not what I am. 

He's actually more like Sebastian now...

Zuriel is part of something beyond Mother's monsters. I mean, he never was a monster of Mother, but now he's really not what the Mother gets involved with. Nevertheless, she wants to meet Zuriel. 

Mother protects all her children. Mother protects me even though I'm a hybrid. I'm a hybrid mix of one of the creatures Calico has created and one of Mother's monsters: a lycan and a shapeshifter/skinwalker. I won't die under Mother's protection. I won't die at a random date like Calico's weak hybrids. 

The transparent being named Sebastian easily stays by my side with no trouble. He's a ghost, more like a poltergeist since he's attached to me, but I'm not sure what keeps him bound here. I'm not even sure why he stays with me. 

"We had to. Things were getting bad back there. That guy Zuriel... He's not doing good mentally; he's breaking down. I could feel it." 

My brows scrunch together as concern builds up inside me. "I hate Dracula," I growl. "I think I hate Calico more though." 

"I don't like him or her either. Let's just hope that Zuriel doesn't die... It will take a miracle," Sebastian says calmly. 

I keep my eyes focused on the sidewalk as we run down the sidewalk for our place to hide from the vamps. 

Tonight... It's not going to be pretty, but I believe it won't get so bad where someone will die. 

Mother is watching Zuriel. Mother will do something about it. 


No awakening for me since we have no idea how to, which is fine with me. I'm with Leah when it comes to me not being awakened. I could die any time when and if my body just decides to give out. I haven't said anything to Angser though. He seems pretty confident in me, and he really wants to get to Zuriel before Dracula does. 

So we're going outside with it being dark outside. 

"You should be fine with me around," Angser promises me as he places his hand over my shoulder. He leads me towards the front door of Amaranth's house. 

Leah is sound asleep in the bedroom; she is definitely not coming along with us since she's completely human. Amaranth promised to watch over Leah to make sure she doesn't go anywhere or try to follow us. 

When we're outside, we go straight to Angser's car and get inside. I sit in the passenger seat while he buckles up in the driver seat. 

"How do you know where Zuriel is?" I ask him curiously. 

Angser sighs as he starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. "He took over my home after I became his blood slave over a deal with Calico to keep you safe. He should be there..." he trails off. "Gadriel, you're not awakened yet... If a fight starts, you need to take the car and leave because when I vampire like me has to fight... It's going to feel like an earthquake." 

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