Chapter Forty-Nine: Alliances

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 Working with fucking hybrids has got to be the worst idea ever. Even worse, one of the hybrids is Zuriel.

Why the hell should I work with his disgusting ass? I'm Vlad Dracula. I'm the first of the vampires. I shouldn't have to work with hybrids.

My eyes narrow as I shake my head. "Well, I don't like that catch. I don't like that catch at all."

"I don't care what you do or don't like, you piece of shit," Tegan snaps viciously as she takes a step forward.

Zuriel sighs as he raises his arm to stop her. "That's enough."

Tegan looks over at Zuriel with disbelief. "You cannot trust him, Zuriel. If there's one vampire you can't trust, it's him."

Zuriel's eyes narrow slightly as her words sink in. I can see the gears in his head moving furiously. "I know we can't, but we all have an enemy that is much bigger than us. We have to stick together and take her down. If we aren't, then you can say goodbye to everything. There will be nothing left. We will be nothing. Everything would be for nothing."


I'm not stupid at all. I have picked up a few tricks over the years learning from my own screw-ups and other people's screw-ups. I've been betrayed before so I've learned to expect the worst from anyone. I don't think Vlad is trustworthy at all. In fact, I know there's a high chance of him throwing us under the bus.

Vlad isn't stupid either. If anything, he will agree to our terms, but he will wait... He will wait till his moment comes before he betrays us. That means I just have to pay a whole lot more attention to my friends. I have to stay with them at all costs especially Ari. I'm not too worried about Tegan and Helios. I know they could kill Vlad easily.

I know we can't trust him, and I don't. For now, though, we do need him to be somewhat on our side.

"So what do you say, Vlad?" I ask him bitterly as I approach him slowly with a scowl on my face.

Vlad tenses up in his chair when I stand right in front of him looking straight down. Of course, he doesn't say anything. Instead, he shows off is aura trying to flaunt it to make him seem so powerful. I hear Ari gasp from behind me from it. I know she senses it; she's human. They're way more sensitive to it since they're weak.

Tegan and Helios, on the other hand, are less than impressed because they're stronger than Vlad.

"Showing your strength?" I ask with a cocky smile. "Trust me, Vlad, if I let everything I had out, your whole body would explode just by looking at me."

I wouldn't even waste my energy letting him feel anything come from me. Vlad likes to flaunt his shit like it's nothing. Your power isn't something you should show off, and that's what a lot of these damn creatures like to do.

My body tenses when I take a small whiff of the air.

"Vamps are out," I mutter bitterly.

Dracula looks confused. "How? It's still daytime."

I nod. "Calico is stronger now that Amaranth is dead. She blocked the sun with clouds. Vamps can now roam around during the day; she only did this to start shit between vamps and lycans... This is going to turn into a territorial issue now."

Vlad growls angrily. "Fucking lycans..."

A smile forms on my lips. "Well, this would all end if we got rid of Calico... If you agree to join us," I say as I hold out of my hand towards him.

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