Chapter Thirty-Four: Infinity

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On the second floor of this place is where things start getting weird and dark real quick. 

There's tall cages that look like human-sized bird cages with one human inside and with at least one vampire with the human inside the cage. Blood drips from some of the cages onto the polished floor. It's dim in here, but I can see just fine. The music is a bit louder up here, and it sounds like a fucking orgy up here with all these humans getting bit. 

“My God,” I whisper as I look at all of these cages. Up front, though, there's a stage with human girls and guys standing there with signs in their hands with their prices written across it. Then there's a place where vamps play cards like poker to gamble with their blood slaves or just straight blood. 

I'm not going to pretend like all of this bothers me or that I'm Mother Theresa. Of course, the masochist in me appeals to the nature of the sadistic vamps. I haven't forgotten what Jacqueline did to me. I haven't even forgotten what Angser did to me or what I did to them. I miss the bite. I miss the feeling it gave me. 

Believe me, I tried to find that feeling again, but when the vamp bit me, it hurt like a motherfucker. 

Ever since I came back to life, things have been opposite. I realize now that what humans feel when a vamp bites them isn't real. It's kinda like a predator immobilizing its prey while it feeds so the prey won't fight back. It just lies there and takes it. 

The vampire woman that showed me up here moves around me slowly. “You smell strange, but I can tell you're not human. Are you sure you don't want a human?” 

“I'm positive,” I mutter as I look around at my horrible surroundings. This just... This just... 

My eyes widen slightly as I focus on the gambling vampires. The blood slaves stand by the wall as they wait for the game to end. There's about ten slaves standing against the wall completely naked except one. 

What the hell?

The woman that I saw earlier that told me to move the car because it was in a no-parking zone is standing in between two naked blood slaves. Among them, she's the only one wearing clothes even though it's just a short, tight red dress with no straps or shoes. Her hair is down now and hanging past her waist. 

Her hazel eyes are focused intently on the card game before her, but she doesn't look like she really gives a shit about what happens. Either she knows her owner won't lose or she doesn't care who her owner is anymore. 

My body tenses up slightly when her eyes tear away from the game, and she begins to look around before her eyes rest on me. 

I couldn't help but smile slightly when I see her eyes widen slightly like she remembers seeing me on the street. 

She looks around quickly before moving away from the wall and walking towards me slowly. She takes her steps carefully the closer she gets to me till she stands several feet in front of me. 

Her eyes narrow as she looks up at me. “I warned you about this place,” she states with a disappointed frown. 

I shrug like I didn't care. “I know. I'm just wondering what you're doing here.” 

It was her turn to shrug. “Nobody is perfect... It wasn't by choice for me anyways.” 

Well, something is up with this girl if she's the only blood slave here that isn't naked. Blood slaves aren't just not treated like shit. 

“Why aren't you like the rest of the blood slaves?” I ask her curiously. 

That seems to set something off in her composed expression. It becomes guarded quickly and almost cautious. For some reason, her arms wrap themselves protectively around her waist like she's hiding something, “Because I'm not for sale or trade,” she tells me simply. “The vampire that has me just wants more, but he brought me with him.” 

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