Chapter Nine: Deals

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In a room back at the cathedral, I am back in my cage with the boy. Piled up on blankets and ripped clothes. Angser put me back in here after running an experiment with Clipper and me. He wanted to see if I would protect the boy from vampires, which was stupid. Of course, I would protect the boy. He's only a kid. I swear, sometimes I really want to kill Angser, but I can't. 

Is the boy not scared of me? I'm all covered in hair with large teeth, claws, huge... 

Yet, the boy doesn't like vampires. He calls them "monshers." Then he calls me "doggy." If it were anyone else calling me a dog, I'd be offended, but the boy doesn't know any better so I can't be offended. He's too sweet. 

I'm curled up in a ball with Clipper snuggled up by my stomach. He pets my hair and gives me tummy rubs just like I am a real dog. Like I'm nothing but just a plain old dog to him. 

"Where Beanie?" he mumbles as he rubs my stomach. 

I wish I could speak, but I can't. I don't want to be in my human form right now... I'll just be a naked human in the boy's eyes, and I want him to think of me as a doggy right now. I'm really enjoying this tummy rub... No wonder dogs love them so much. Even my tail start wagging because it feels so soothing and calm. 

Then the boy stops rubbing my tummy, and a few seconds later, starts crying for his daddy. 

My eyes narrow as I lift my large head off the floor. Both Angser and I heard it. We heard what was going on between Zuriel and Jacqueline, and I'm quite disappointed in him. He has a son, and all he's thinking about is getting bitten by some vampire. He may be a good father, but if he keeps on with this blood slave thing, he won't be any count anymore. 

It's not good being a blood slave. It really gets to your head and makes you only think about the pleasure you get when being bitten. It's almost like a drug. 

I look at the crying boy as he wipes his eyes. His skin is dark so he's not Caucasian. He also has a slight Cajun accent when he speaks. I think Zuriel's voice before he hit puberty would have sounded just like Clipper's is now. I know their voices are going to be almost identical once Clipper reaches that age. At the top of Clipper's dark hair is straight, but then as it goes down, it turns curly around his shoulders. To tell the truth, the boy looks more like a girl. If he weren't wearing Hulk underwear I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. 

I reach over and lick the boy's face. Licking his tears away, cleaning his hair, and cleaning his skin so that, maybe, he'll feel better. Clipper starts giggling as I continue to lick his face. 

"Stop it!" he laughs as he tries to push my face away. Then when that doesn't work, he covers his face so I just start licking his hands. He squeals as I start licking his arms, his stomach and legs, cleaning him all over like an animal would rather than a human. 

After that, he tries to find things to amuse him. He tries to play with the blankets like they were toys, but that ended quickly; he grew bored of it. So I get down on my hands and feet and carry him on my back around the cage like a horse. He really enjoyed that. 

Soon, he was tired again, but he wanted to pet my face so I let him. 

My eyelids droop as the boy's small hands run over my ears, rubbing them, then he lifts my lips to look at my large teeth... I open my mouth so he could see my teeth better. The boy is fearless. He stuck his small hand in my mouth to touch my tongue. I would never bite him though. 

I'm really growing to love the boy.


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