Chapter Fifty-Three: Goodbye

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 I spent all my time with Ari after the surgery was over. I sat by her bed and held her hand gently. Angser and the others worked on getting Radu's body parts scattered all around the world. I don't want to know where they're being hidden. I just hope they don't hide it near a famous place or whatever. It needs to stay inconspicuous and random.

The clouds are drifting away as the days go by. Ever since I ripped Radu apart, the sun has been coming back slowly. That still gave Angser enough time to go hide the parts, though.

But also, as the days go by, I begin to feel weaker and weaker. I feel more and more of how I was before.

"You're changing," Mother says quietly when she suddenly appears beside me. She stands by my side with her hand placed on my shoulder. "You're becoming more human. Your eyes are even returning to normal."

A sad smile forms on my lips. "It feels strange... I never knew how good it felt to be human."

She goes away after a while, and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I know what's happening to me.

I know what's going to happen to me.

It feels good, but at the same time, I don't like being this weak. I miss being invincible in a way, but I do feel more exposed. I feel more emotional. My eyes eventually go back to their original color, but they're still a bit bloodshot.

Ari finally wakes up on a Friday morning when the sun is still gentle and not too bright or hot. I'm guessing the sun finally got out from behind those clouds today, and it just happened to wake Ari up. The doctors doped her up on morphine and other painkillers while she slept. She was still getting her nutrients through this feeding tube. Today, she should be able to eat, though.

I waited till after she had a some food before I came in to talk to her. When I stepped inside the white room that I had been sleeping in for days now, she smiles up at me tiredly. She just looks so worn out and a complete mess, but she's still beautiful. Those hazel eyes of hers still haven't changed even in my weaker eyes.

Her smile turns into a confused frown quickly. "Your... Your eyes... They're different," she points out. Her voice is raspy and sounds exhausted. If I were just listening to her voice and not looking at her, I would have thought she was a heavy smoker.

A sad smile forms on my lips as I sit in the leather seat that I've kept here for sleeping and just sitting beside Ari while she slept. "It's my real eyes. This is what they really look like," I tell her gently.

She still looks confused, but I can see her eyes shifting quickly back and forth seeing the two different eye colors. "Your eyes are pretty... I wouldn't had thought you had two different colors."

I nod slowly as I place my hand on hers as they lay on her abdomen. "Yeah... I know," I say with a slow nod.

Ari frowns suspiciously as she narrows her eyes slightly. "What's wrong? Did we not get Calico? Did it not work?" Her voice raised in volume each time she finished a sentence, but I shake my head quickly.

"No, no. We got her. She's taken care of. She shouldn't be a problem for a very long time... Radu shouldn't be either. I ripped him apart in six different pieces. Angser and the others have gone to hide them."

Ari sighs in relief as she relaxes on the bed. She winces in pain when she breathes in too deeply, though. "Ow..."

"That's gonna hurt for a while," I tell her with a sad smile.

Her brows scrunch together with worry. "What's wrong with you? You should be happy. Calico isn't a problem anymore, and there's not a lycan revenant running around," Ari says with optimism.

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