Chapter Fifty-Two: Desperation

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 After the impact, we share several hits from each other. Mine seem to be more effective than his which tells me I'm stronger. Maybe is Radu wasn't so confused, he would be able to hit me hard.

I guess he figured out I was stronger than him when I finally slam my fist right in his face and he sinks knee-deep into the asphalt beneath him. I jump back to avoid falling into the cracks.

Radu growls as he backs several yards away from me within seconds to put distance between us.

I guess Radu thinks it'll be automatic game over if he turns into his lycan form. Him turning into that form tells me that he knows I'm stronger and using this form as a defense.

A smile forms on his face as he allows his human-looking body to morph and grow. Since he is the first of his kind, when he turns into his lycan, it is the purest form of all. Over the many years, lycans do become tainted just like werewolves and vamps. The purest form of vampire was Vlad, but now it is Angser who is the purest.

Radu pure form... It's pretty fucking huge to be honest.

He stands one story high. His metamorphosis is quicker than a regular person taking their lycan form. His clothes had shed and fell from his body the more he grew in mass and height. Black hair sprouted from his pores thick like a wolf's. His eyes are still of a revenant like mine. The irises are black while the rest of the eye is bloodshot red.

The average lycan is just a couple feet taller than the average man. I remember Amaryllis was much like the size of a horse; maybe a little bit bigger even. She was still bigger than the average lycan and was able to drop down on all fours because she was part werewolf. Radu won't be able to do that... I think, at least. I've never fought the first lycan before.

This is a story tall lycan who is almost as strong and impossible to kill as I am. He's built. Even underneath all the hair, muscles were still prominent. His growls sounded like a normal lycan which is sort of a relief. My attention is brought is his clawed hands. One of those claws could cut my head off, and I've had my head cut off once before by Vlad; I don't really want to go through that shit again.

It did not feel good.

I crouch down slightly ready to pounce when Radu looks like he's getting ready to charge at me. This overgrown lycan will completely mess up everything around him so I need to end this as quickly as possible. I need to end it as soon as possible for Ari and everyone else.

Calico is in that scrambled lycan head somewhere, and I'm gonna get that bitch one way or another.

A smile forms on my lips as I get ready to pounce when Radu starts heading towards me slowly then he picks up the pace. In return, I wait till he's charging straight towards me to jump up and throw myself as Radu's head.

When I land, I land on his snout, and my fingers dig into the flesh of his nose. Radu roars and throws his head side-to-side like a dog would. He tries to shake me off, but I keep holding on, making him bleed more as my fingers completely sink into his flesh. I grip tightly then kick off Radu's face taking chunks of meat from his now deformed nose.

Radu didn't take that too well. After that, the fight had started, and that's when the chaos begins.

Though, I'm not surprised when I find out how equal his strength is with mine after he turned. It'll make it harder for me to cut his limbs off since their thicker, and he's in his lycan form.

Everything ends up being harder than what I thought, and I know that damn Calico is helping him with strength. She'll will be looking for a weakness in that mind of his, and I need to cut his head off before that happens.

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