Chapter Thirty-Seven: Rejected Offering

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His brow arches with interest. "It jumps from person to person?" Dutch ask with curiosity.

I shrug. "Yep, so, asshole, next time you decide to threaten me, you might want to think twice."

"Does it hurt or anything? Do you feel it?" he asks me with a frown.

I sigh. "No. I gave you something. How about you let me pee?"

As promised, he took me to the nearest rest stop so I could use the bathroom and just stretch my legs. Whatever I decide to do to relieve myself without running away, I could do.

I stand out in front of the bathrooms in the grass just bending down to touch my toes then raising my hands above my head. I jog in place, do jumping jacks, jump up and down, and basically silly exercises like that.

In my peripheral vision, I can see Dutch looking straight at me as I'm doing these stretches. Suddenly, I feel almost self-conscious now.

Why the fuck is he staring at me?

Trying to be discreet, I glance over at him to see him grinning broadly as his gaze is still settled upon me.

I let out a huff of frustration as I storm towards him, knowing that I would probably be forced in the car sooner or later anyways. When I reach him, he slowly claps his hands together.

"Were you having fun over there?" he asks with a smirk.

My eyes narrow. "You know, it could be considered almost like pedophilia from the way you kept staring at me."

He snorts as he rolls his eyes. "Hardly. You're over eighteen so it's not even pedophilia, first of all. Second of all, I was looking at you but not in that way. I was being entertained by a girl who is trying to stretch. If you were looking at it in my perspective, you would laugh too."

"No, I wouldn't. I'd probably let the girl go free," I snap.

"You are definitely not thinking things in my perspective," he says with a frown as he looks up at the sky.

A frown forms on my lips as I study Dutch with a frown as he looks up at the sky. "Were you bullied and abused as a child?" I ask him with a frown.

His eyes widen in surprise as he looks down at me in confusion. "No... I wasn't... Why do you ask?"

I shrug. "You just give me this impression that something bad happened to you. You were half human and half vampire, right? Did you have somewhat of a human life?"

A small smile forms on his lips as he leans against the car. "Yeah, I actually had a completely normal life at one point... I had my mom and my six other sisters."

My eyes nearly pop out of my sockets. "You had six other sisters?"

He laughs as he shakes his head. "Yeah, we rarely had any privacy in this small house we were all living in. Especially me... It seemed like I wanted privacy more than anyone. There was Venus, Vivian, Valmet, Katrina, Ginger, then me, and my younger sister Gwen."

"You had a big family," I say with a sad smile.

Dutch looks pained as he looks down at his feet. "Yeah, we were one big family... Though, I don't think family lasts forever like they always say." He pauses. "Looking back, I was really fucking stupid. I was really mean to one of my sisters..."

I wanted to point out that he was actually telling me something about him, but there was something... He had a look on his face like he was stuck reminiscing something bad that happened.

"You all right?" I ask him.

His eyes widen as he snaps out of whatever trance he was in. "What..?"

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