Chapter Six: Hybrid

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Jacqueline walks over casually like nothing happened while the blood slaves run for their lives out of the room. 

My eyes narrow as I stand. "You didn't have to do that," I snap. 

Jacqueline's eyes roll. "Shut up, human. I did it because I'm pissed." 

I glare at her angrily. "No. There was no reason." 

Jacqueline looks over at Angser. "There he goes again! Telling me 'no'! I'm tired of it, Angser!" 

"You're too old to be acting like a child," Angser mutters with a frown as he glares at her. 

Jacqueline freezes as she looks up at the ceiling with an evil smile. "The sun is setting, Angser. Are you going to fetch Zuriel's son?" 

"You have a son?" Amaryllis asks me in surprise. 

"Uh... Yes, I do," I tell her. 

"Hm..." Angser mumbles as he studies Amaryllis. "I could bring Amaryllis with me to get the boy. She doesn't have to be invited in... Plus, I trust her. Knowing her, she wouldn't want to go outside again." 

Amaryllis hesitates but agrees. "Fine... What's his scent?" 

"He's smells almost identical to Zuriel but just a little weaker," Jacqueline tells Amaryllis. 

Amaryllis stands up out of her chair and walks over to me sniffing the air. Now that I see her feet, I notice that she has one golden ankle bracelet on each ankle. It looks more like what a slave would wear. To my surprise, her eyes turn completely black... The irises and the white in her eyes are blacker than black as she steps closer to me...sniffing.

Her lip curls up as she breathes in. She walks around me sniffing but never touching me. 

It's almost like she's afraid to touch me. 

She lets out a low growl. It's deep...and sounds more ferocious than a wolf. 

"You don't smell like a normal human," she says darkly. She turns her head sharply to look over at Angser. "What is this?" 

Angser shrugs. "I don't know." 

"And his son smells like him only it's weaker?" Amaryllis asks Jacqueline. 

She nods. "Yep. It's that sweet smell. It's sweeter than what it should be. His son smells more like a regular human." 

Amaryllis frowns deeply as she looks back over at me and grabs my chin gently. Her hand is soft, and she's not rough like I thought she would be since she has that rugged look about her. She looks deep into my eyes with her black ones looking for something, I suppose. 

"You look like a regular human...but you aren't on the inside," Amaryllis says quietly with a frown. 

"Do you think you will be able to find his son? Because I'm not leaving Zuriel alone here. I'm hungry," Jacqueline growls. 

"Wait, Jacqueline. I want Zuriel to see the dogfights before you drain so much from him that he passes out," Angser speaks up. 

"You should have more self-control," Amaryllis says with concern as she lets go of my chin. "Taking so much blood from him every night could harm him...then he'll be the one needing a blood bag." 

Jacqueline snarls viciously at Amaryllis. "Don't tell me what to do, mutt!" 

Amaryllis just meets Jacqueline's glare with emotionless eyes. "If you want to keep you blood slave...then I suggest you heed my advice."

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