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This is one is about Carla coming back to visit Samuel after she heard he wasn't doing great.
Carla was having a chill day, she was sitting in her apartment having a scone for breakfast. She didn't have anything big planned today, just lunch with some of her friends. She also wanted to catch up on some reading for school. It had been 2 months since she moved. They always say time goes fast, Carla disagreed. It wasn't that she didn't like it in London, she did. She met some amazing people, she had a beautiful apartment, she was doing well at school. It was great, everything she thought she wanted. But there was something missing and she couldn't exactly put a finger on what is was. Well she could take a guess and say it's Samuel, what would be right. But she didn't want to go down that spiral again and have a full mental breakdown. So she acted like she didn't know why. It didn't help that he didn't respond to her texts. They started off great, they talked as much as they could.
They called, Skyped and texted. But this flow changed last month. Carla texted him that she missed him, it wasn't something she hadn't told him before. After that he just stopped responding. And now, all she could do was stare at those blue checks under her message. They mocked her. 

The last month she had some big mood swings when she was alone. First she just got mad at him, how did he dare not respond to her. He could just say that he didn't like her anymore or give her some explanation. But he just left her guessing, she made up some outrages assumptions on why he didn't respond and that wasn't good for her state of mind. She felt so stupid that this boy had this much effect on her. After she got mad she pretended like she didn't care, distracting herself with her friends or other boys. Yes she tried to move on, like she thought he did, but no one came even close to capturing her heart. She couldn't blame them, she left her heart in Madrid, with him. So when she came to that conclusion she cried. Her new friends didn't expect this side of her, they met the strong 'I don't care' Carla. They tried helping her but they had no clue what to do. Eventually Carla got herself together, she was better than this, she deserved better than this. If he didn't want her anymore, his loss.

So after two months of drama and heartbreak she was finally okay. She still loved him but she accepted the fact that he moved on. She wasn't mad anymore, how could she. She left and she didn't ask him to wait. She hoped it though, but he didn't.  And now she was just enjoying her scone, checking her Instagram. She saw Lu's latest post, it looked like she was having fun in New York. They kept in touch as well, not as frequently as they liked but they were both busy. She smiled at her phone seeing how big Lu's smile was on the photo. That smile turned into a frown when she saw who called her. After all this time, she didn't expect this person to call her ever again. She didn't know if she should pick up, she didn't have anything to say. But she knew that if she didn't it would keep her guessing for weeks. She picked up.

"Rebeka, you're the last one I'd expect calling me. You beat Guzman though, he just texts me." Carla began lightly. "Well don't get too exited Marquesa, I didn't call for some girl talk." Carla smiled to herself "Oh how I missed your blunt comments. It really warms my heart." "Like that heart of yours can be warmed." Rebeka said sarcastically. The girls left on a good note but there was still some rivalry between them, they couldn't help it. Carla liked her though, there weren't many people that dared to give her a push back. "As much as I like where this conversation is going, I assume you didn't call just to talk about my oh so cold heart." Even though she couldn't see Rebeka, she felt her mood shift. "No, I called you to tell you something else. Something you're probably not going to like." Carla's mind immediately started racing, did somehow polo's death come up again. Did her father do something or did  Valerio screw up. She had no idea. "Tell me." She said harsher than she intended, preparing to feel her world crushed down again. "It's Samuel. He isn't doing great." This was the last thing she expected to hear, but somehow those words concerned her more than any of the scenarios she just thought of. "What do you mean?" She asked "the last month he's been acting out again. You know how he is, he was getting in fights and stuff. And now it's like he's just zoned out, he's there but he isn't though. I know it sounds weird but we're all really concerned about him. He hasn't left his apartment in 3 days and he won't open up." Carla's heart was racing in panic, what was he doing. More importantly, what did she do. She didn't reach out to him after he ignored her, she should've known that something was wrong. God, she was so stupid she thought to herself. Instead of questioning why he didn't respond she immediately jumped to conclusions. She took a deep breath. "And why are you calling me? I mean, I'm as worried as you are at this moment but I can't do anything about it." Rebeka sighed "As much as I hate it, I'm going to have to ask you a favor. You need to come back, cheer him up or something." Carla didn't get the request. "Why do you think I can convince him to open his door?" She heard Rebeka laugh "you're not serious are you? Like I told you before, that boy worships you. I thought that if you left him, he wouldn't get himself in trouble but here we are. I was wrong. And now he's showing some really self destructive behavior. And you're the best person to get him to open up. His mom and brother are out of the country and besides those two people, you have the closest connection to him. You two have some weird emotional connection that I'll never be able to understand." Carla never thought she would hear Rebeka say she was wrong and that she should see Samuel in one sentence. "So you just want me to drop everything and come back to Madrid?" Carla was already planning to come, she just needed someone to confirm her thoughts were rational. "Carla, he loves you and if you love him too you need to come. He needs you." That was all she needed to hear. "I can book a flight and I'll be there tonight." She said.  With that the phone conversation ended.

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