I didn't mean it

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This one shot is about Samuel seeing Carla in the bathroom with Polo (just like in 2x04)
After Samuel catches Carla, he confronts her.
Samuel walks out of class. He was still thinking about last night. The confrontation with Carla at the red party went way different than he expected. He saw a different side of her last night, one that he never expected. He saw her guilt and hurt when she told him that she felt like she failed at being Marina's friend. And for the first time he sympathized with her, he felt for her. After that he saw her in a totally different light, not just like the cold Marchioness that dismisses everyone who isn't up to her standards. He saw someone that put her walls up, to protect herself. That was the girl he wanted to get to know, so he took her home. It was a magical night, they talked, they kissed, they had sex. They both opened up to each other. Samuel had a good feeling about where this was going but he didn't forget why he wanted to confront her in the first place.

Carla was soundly asleep in Samuels's arms, but he couldn't sleep. How could he, when there was a beautiful girl, naked, sleeping next to him. He was just looking at her, seeing things he never saw before. He saw her freckles, they were light but they were there. He heard her breathe heavily, not in an concerning way, more in a comfortable way. He noticed her belly button piercing, something he never thought she would have. It suited her though, it gave her an edge. Then he saw her phone light up. 'I shouldn't' he thought. But then the messages just kept on coming and he couldn't resist it. He lifted his arms from her stomach, careful not to wake her, and grabbed the phone. He got up of the couch and entered the code he perfectly remembered.

"Carla, I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep the secret anymore. I confessed everything, everything that happened. I'm sorry." He heard Polo's broken voice say. Samuel was sure his heart had never beaten so fast. He looked at her, she was still sleeping so peaceful. 'How could someone that looked so perfect, be up to such shady business' he thought. He felt a little disappointed in her, even though he knew she would have something to do with de death of Marina. Still, he couldn't just forget the girl he met tonight. He wanted this night to have an perfect ending, he decided to forget about it for a little longer. He crawled behind her on the couch. Due to the movement behind her she woke up. She turned around to face him, he gave her a little smile. "Hey, trouble sleeping?" She asked with a soft voice. "Yeah, I was just thinking about the exam tomorrow." He lied. "you'll do fine, you always get good grades. Don't overthink it, have a little faith in yourself. Try to get some sleep 'cause when you're too tired to function you'll definitely fail." With that she kissed him on the cheek and snuggled her face on his chest. 'How?' Was the only thing that Samuel could think.

So when he saw Carla dragging Polo to the locker rooms his suspicion only grew. He waited a second to follow them. As he was walking to the door he could hear hushed but concerned voices. He stopped for a second to listen but they had gone silent. Curiosity grew, so he looked through the small window in the door. And yes, there she was, kissing him. Samuel's heart stung a little, he didn't know why. He had only talked to her like what, 5 times? Still, she quickly grew on him. He was still watching them, hoping the kiss would stop soon. She looked uncomfortable and when she opened her eyes his thoughts were confirmed. They made eye contact for a second and he swore he saw tears starting to well up in her eyes. He walked away, he had seen enough. And as much he hated to admit it, those two were up to something.

The end of their school day

Samuel was standing by the bike rack, unlocking his bike. There was no need for a lock on his bike since everybody at this damn school had their own chauffeur. Still it was a force of habit, it was necessary in his neighborhood. "Hey" samuel jumped a little, he didn't expect anybody talking to him. He turned around with a startled face and saw Carla standing there. "Whoa, no need to panic. It's just me, the girl you slept with last night" she gave him a warms smile. Samuel didn't find it funny though. "Yes, the girl who I just caught kissing her ex" he said coldly. And just like that he saw her shift from warm to ice cold. "Oh sorry, I wasn't aware that there was a waiting period to kiss someone after they slept with the Samuel García." He narrowed his eyes "It wasn't just a kiss though, was it?" She sighed "What are you talking about?" He looked her straight in the eyes "I heard the voice messages Polo left you last night and I don't really know what is means, but I'm going to find out." He saw she was taken aback by the information he just gave her. He saw her brain working on an excuse. "Samuel, I don't know what you're playing at but leave it. They were just drunk messages from an ex, don't go and hop to conclusions. It doesn't mean I'm part of the illuminati or something." She looked at him with an arrogant smirk. Samuel sighed, he sensed his anger rising. Did she think he was stupid? "Yeah sure Carla, keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself that whatever you did isn't that bad. But you know what, I thought you were better than that. I thought you were someone who cared. I thought you were Marina's friend. But guess what, you let her down. And you should be ashamed!" he spat at her. She looked him in the eyes, shocked. He saw her brain go to work again. But then she did something he never saw coming. She slapped him with full force. "Fuck you Samuel" those words stung. It wasn't just a 'fuck you', no there were deep emotions under it. She quickly turned around en started to walk away.

"Carla wait!" He grabbed her arm. "I'm sorry that was low, I didn't mean it." She turned around and he saw the hurt in her eyes. Not only hurt, also loss. Then he realized that he wasn't the only one who lost Marina. Carla and Marina were best friends when they were little. Carla told him how she felt, something she didn't want to do but he brought that out in her. He somehow made her feel safe. And now he used that against her, with the sole purpose of hurting her. "No fuck off Samuel. I told you that in confidence. I trusted you with one of my biggest regrets and you just throw it in my face. You may think I'm a bad person but you are no better. You pretend to care and you pretend to help just to get what you want!" She was so mad, she didn't care if anyone heard her or saw her cry. One of her most important rules was never show weakness, but she couldn't help it. She actually started to care for this boy and he just used her. "Carla I..." "No Samuel, leave it. You played me, well done. Be proud of you achievements, don't be sorry. I guess I'm the fool for ever thinking that I could trust you, my bad."
And with that she gave him one less look, letting one last tear fall, and stormed off.

There he stood, absolutely shocked. He fucked up, real bad. "You asshole" he whispered to himself. God, how could he be so stupid to say that to her. His anger took over and he just blurted it out and now he was back at the beginning. Now he had to start his investigation all over again, he doesn't have his main suspect anymore. Not just that, he just hurt and probably lost an amazing girl. Yes she may have done something shady but he was sure she wasn't the one who killed Marina. She couldn't have, she cared too much about her to hurt her, he saw that in her eyes. He has to get her back, he had to make it up. He had to beg her for a second chance, because he felt it. He felt that there was something there, a path that he could only explore with her. There could be a future.

This is a shorter chapter than the first but I like how it turned out.
I feel like I can make a part two to this, if anyone wants that, leave a comment!
Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read💞

I will try to upload soon!

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