In another life pt. 2

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Thank you so much for all the lovely reactions under my last story!😊💕 Because a lot of people liked I decided to write a part 2.
It was 4 A.M and Samuel couldn't sleep. The conversation earlier that night didn't feel right to him. He first wanted to come to terms with it, knowing that pushing her was no use. But that future they build for themselves was stuck in his mind. It wasn't even that unimaginable, it wasn't an extreme scenario. For any other couple, that future would be just normal, maybe even plain. But Carla and Samuel weren't a normal couple.

The time between her walking to Yeray and him laying in his bed, was spent on her. He couldn't help but think of things to add to their other life. He imagined they would get a dog at some point and teach their children how to ride bikes. He needed to tell her that, tell her how he was going to love her his whole life. "Why are you still awake?" He heard a muffled voice on his chest. Rebeka woke up from him stirring under her. He didn't like it when Rebeka laid on top of him, he didn't know why. He just wasn't able to sleep as peacefully as he used to. And by used to, he meant with Carla.

When she would fall asleep on his chest, which didn't happen very often, he would doze off in seconds. Something about the golden locked girl choosing to lay comfortably on him, made him warm inside. She felt so light yet so heavy on his chest. Somehow Rebeka couldn't fill that void Carla left, he just felt awkward and stiff under her touch.

"I was just thinking." He mumbled. If only she knew what, or who, he was thinking about. He knew he wasn't being fair to her, but he felt so lonely. Looking back at it, he knew he shouldn't have let Rebeka kiss him that night, but he craved for that love that just left him. Now he figured out that nobody else could give it to him like Carla could, but he was stuck with her. He couldn't tell Rebeka, he didn't want to hurt her either, she didn't deserve that. He loved her, but pure on a platonic level, she felt like his sister.

"What about?" She asked. Good question he thought. Just about Carla, who has always been on my mind. I was thinking about calling her to tell her how I would love her. You don't mind do you? Yeah good answer. "My mom and brother, I'm thinking about calling them." He lied, he didn't want to, but there was no other option. "Yeah that's a good idea, you haven't spoken to them in a while. That's why you haven't been sleeping, you've been so restless." Rebeka encouraged him. The guilt on Samuel was easy to spot, he was lucky the room was dark. "Yeah I'll think I'll do that." He said as he got out from under her, he felt a little relief.

He was just standing in te living room, not knowing what to do. He wasn't going to call his mom, he spoke to her yesterday, he just didn't find it necessary to tell Rebeka. But this made the urge to call Carla even bigger. He needed to tell her the rest of the story, not knowing the reason why. It wasn't going to make any difference so why let her know? Maybe he finally found a reason to call her in the middle of the night, but he quickly doubted that the reason was as valid as he thought. Maybe he just wanted to keep her updated on their pretend life. But he secretly knew, it was to hear her reaction. That way she would make the dream a bit true, letting him know how she would react to his gestures of love. Yeah he needed to know that and he needed to know it now, only then he'll be able to sleep.

He quickly looked her up in his contacts and made the call. It rang 2 times before she picked up. She quickly got out from Yeray's suffocating grip on her waist and went to the balcony. "Samuel what's wrong? It's 4 A.M." she said in a panicked tone, thinking that the only reason why he would call this late, or at all, would be and emergency. Samuel smiled a little at the panic he just heard from her voice, it must mean that she cares. "I forgot to tell you something." He said in a light tone. This didn't calm her down, it made her even more nervous.

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