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This story takes place somewhere in S2 after Carla told Samuel she thought they could have a future.
There he was, standing on the exact same spot she left him, completely blindsided by her confession. His heart was beating way too fast and his mind was racing. "I thought we could have a future." Was haunting him. He didn't know how to feel, of course he thought about her, a lot, but he didn't expect her to feel the same way. He also didn't know if he could trust her, and he knew for a fact that it was going to take a lot of convincing for her to trust him again. Especially after what he pulled with that recording.

Samuel got finally out of the position he was in for god knows how long, only to get a beer. After that he returned to the table again, to sit on the spot where she just sat. He caught himself hoping that she would appear next to him again. He still smelled her perfume, he was addicted to it. It was sweet but not too sweet, it was perfect. The night he took her back to his place he could smell it all over the her. That morning, after she left, he smelled it on the pillow she had slept on. And now, standing here alone, he still smelled her. Usually Samuel wasn't that attentive and observant, not even with Marina, but Carla just brought it out in him. Every time he was with her it was like he was under a spell, he couldn't seem to get enough. Though he didn't forget why he came close to her in the first place, he couldn't get distracted. He knew he was getting too attached, he couldn't help it. Now he was sat there, alone, thinking about her. He wanted that future with her, very much. But his head said something different, he had to find out first. Still he had to make it up to her, he just let her leave without telling her how he felt. If he was in her position, telling her he liked her and saw a future, only to get no response, he would be heart broken. He chugged his beer, some liquid courage, grabbed his phone and jacket and ran towards the door.

20 minutes later he was standing at her gate with his bike in his hands. He was a little nervous, afraid she would get mad at him or slap him again. He wiped his clammy hands off on his pants one more time before ringing the bell. "Samuel?" He heard coming from the little microphone. How did she know it was him. "Uhm yes, how did you know?" It took a second to get a response "you don't think we would have cameras installed after that little stunt Marina and your brother pulled?" She said with a harsh tone. She was definitely still mad. "Can you buzz me in? I need to tell you some things." He asked, completely ignoring her last comment. "Whatever you have to say, I can hear you just fine from here." Samuel sighed, why did she have to be so difficult. "It's better I tell you face to face, and that way, if you don't like what I have to say you can slap me again." He heard a chuckle from the other side. "Alright but for that last reason only. It has to be quick though, my dad will be coming home in 20 minutes." She said, still not with the tone Samuel had hoped for. The gate opened and he quickly got in. Her driveway was longer than he thought so he stepped on his bike. When he arrived at her door she was already waiting for him in the doorway, with a natural look on her face. Samuel got more nervous than he already was. "By the time I would have arrived at your door if I didn't have my bike, those 20 minutes would be over." He said with a smile, hoping to get some kind of positive reaction from her. He got the opposite "I wouldn't know, I only get driven. You should try it some time." She shaded. Samuel almost laughed at her comment but quickly stopped himself. She started walking, he didn't know if he was meant to follow her. "Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there?" She yelled as she turned around a corner. He quickly got in and started following her like a lost puppy. To be honest he kind of was, this house was so big, if she didn't lead him he would legitimately get lost. "Your house is huge" he said while he was looking around with a admiring look in his eyes. Carla saw it and smirked, making sure he didn't see it though. She knew he was getting more nervous by the minute, she liked it. After leaving her there feeling like a fool, she was going to drag this as long as she could. Though she was very curious at what he was here for.

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