Is that okay?

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Samuel spots Carla at his graduation
The room was filled the most influential people in Spain, watching their kids, the next great generation, get their diploma. Samuel was one of those kids, though he didn't have influential parents watching him, in fact, he had no one watching him. There was no family left for him, he had spent this year alone. This last school year felt more like a dream, he just flowed through the halls, not really present.

At the time when his brother and mother left, he didn't feel as alone. It was probably because he was so caught up in all the drama that was going on, he had no time to think about how alone he was. But somehow at the beginning of this school year, he felt like it was a new start. He had longed for that day since he first stepped foot in the school, but it turned out that along the way, he made some good memories. So when he started the last year of las Encinas over again, with new people, he couldn't help but want to go back to last year.

But it didn't matter anymore, it was done now, he could leave high school behind. It didn't feel as festive as it did for others though, maybe because he had no one to celebrate with. Guzman invited him to come to his house tonight and celebrate with his family, but he didn't want to overstep. Besides, apart from Guzman, Samuel wasn't the biggest fan of the Nuniers. Rebeka also offered him a seat at her table tonight, but he knew that it would just result into another big party, which he wasn't really feeling at the moment. If he was being honest, he just wanted to go home, maybe have a beer with Omar. Though that wasn't likely since he would probably spend the night at Ander's. He'll just have that beer alone. People looking in from the outside would have probably felt sorry for Samuel, but by now he was used to it. He knew he had a small group of friends, it was mainly Guzman, Omar,  Ander, and Rebeka. He wished he could add another name to the list, but she left him as well, she was in the past.

He still longed for her, the golden haired girl with the big hazel eyes. He wished they just had one chance, he knew they'd get it right. But that ship had sailed, he wasn't even sure in which country she was, on her Instagram is seemed like all over the world. She was visiting every major city, every place, every place but his.

"You're almost up." Guzman whispered, smiling at Samuel and patting him on the back. Samuel nervously tapped his foot. He felt the room getting hotter by the second, and he started breathing heavy. He was about to give a speech to a couple of hundred people, very important people. Azucena asked him to say something in the name of scholarship students, tell people about the importance of giving kids a chance or some bullshit. Samuel knew it was just some kind of an apology to him, that he got dragged through all that shit just because he was a scholarship student. Azucena probably thought she was doing Samuel a favor, giving him the spotlight. If only she knew that the spotlight was the last place he wanted to be, but as polite as he is, he accepted it with a smile. He was cursing himself for it now though, he was a terrible public speaker. It was just pointless having him on stage, he knew he'd just start stuttering about some scholarship bullshit, when in fact there are only 2 scholarship student at Las Encinas, him and Omar.

"And now we're going to listen to a very valuable student. He received a scholarship 3 years ago, and is now graduating. He is one of the most reliable yet stubborn students we have ever had the pleasure to have here at Las Encinas. Please welcome Samuel Garcìa." Azucena announced. Guzman immediately started clapping, Omar patted him on the back, Ander gave him a thumbs up, and he received a wink from Rebeka. Everybody got off their chair and started clapping, Samuel had some kind of hero reputation, he was well known.

"Fuck fuck fuck." He cursed to himself as he walked up on the stage. He stood before the microphone, the big lights shone on him, making it feel like the Sahara desert. They also prevented him from seeing further than the first row, he was blinded by them. He released a shaky breath, it roared through the auditorium, making some people laugh. He clung to his little paper, almost tearing it apart because of his nerves.

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