Never leave

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This one is about Samuel's father coming back
It was a quiet morning in the couple's house. Carla was catching up on some schoolwork and Samuel was doing the dishes. There was a comfortable silence in the air. It's been a year since they started dating, officially. They didn't count the last year of high school, both not sure if they liked who they where together then.

Now that they have both matured, their relationship was finally stable. It was sweet and loving, not too crazy. Both of them didn't need anymore craziness and chaos, they have had enough of that to last a lifetime. They were content with their easy going relationship. Still, there was so much amount of love and respect between them, they just liked to keep things private. They weren't the ones that liked PDA, they held hands and gave each other a kiss sometimes but nothing more. It was a different story behind closed doors though, ever time Samuel just walked past Carla, she would hang onto him, just a little hug, she couldn't help it. And every time Carla was focusing too much on work or studies, he would kiss her neck, relaxing her a bit. But never anything like that in public. Well, almost never, when they're walking down the street and Samuel catches a guy staring at Carla, which happens a lot, he always pulls her closer or gives her a quick peck, marking his territory. Samuel thinks Carla doesn't notice but of course she does, she loves it.

The couple pretty much lived together, Samuel was giving the last year of Las Encinas another shot and Carla was in her first year of college.  And as the bond with Carla's dad hadn't exactly been fixed and Samuel was living alone while his mother and brother were in Morocco, Carla practically just moved in.

"I'm going to take a shower." Samuel said as he finished the dishes. Carla just hummed, too busy with writing another buisness proposal. Samuel walked past her and massaged her shoulder. "You're going to break your brain if you look too long at that screen." Samuel joked. Carla just kept typing "it's called dedication baby. You should try it some time, maybe then you wouldn't have still been at Las Encinas." She quickly countered. "Touché" Samuel responded. "Just promise you'll take a break if you need one." He whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. With that move her eyes finally came off the screen and looked at him. "I promise." She said and gave him a quick peck before turning back to her screen. Samuel kept on looking at her for a second, admiring her work drive. Then he walked away to take a shower.

Carla was in the middle of typing a sentence when she heard a phone ring, it wasn't hers. She tried finishing her sentence but the ringing bothered her too much. "Samuel your phone is ringing!" She yelled at him. Of course he didn't hear her, he was in the shower. "Samuel!" She yelled as it kept ringing. After no response from him she sighed, got up and walked towards the bedroom, where the noise was coming from. His phone was laying on the bed, she looked at the caller ID but it was an unknown number. Carla frowned and picked up the phone "Samuel's phone." She just responded, not knowing what else to say. She heard someone stutter at the other end of the line "I- ehm I'm looking for Samuel Garcìa." He asked in a hesitant tone. "Yes this is his phone, may I ask who you are?" Carla said bluntly, she just wanted to get back to work. "Well, I just need to speak to him for a second." Carla sighed. "Well, he can't come to the phone right now, I'll ask him to call you back." She said wanting to be done with this conversation. She heard the man panic a little bit "uhm yes thank you, tell him Marcus called." He said quickly. Carla started thinking if she knew who Marcus was but she came up empty. "I will, goodbye." She said but before she could hang up the phone she heard him say one more thing. "Can I ask who you are?" He asked again with an insecure voice. "I'm Carla, his girlfriend." She said with a stern voice. "Oh he has a girlfriend, that's good." She heard him mumble to himself. Who was this guy? "He'll call you back in 15 minutes." She said and ended the conversation. She stood still for a minute, thinking about the conversation. She got a weird feeling about this, who makes conversation like that? She quickly shrugged it off and went back to the computer.

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