You could've died

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This one shot is about Samuel visiting Carla after she overdosed at the pool party. Samuel rescued her instead of Polo.

Samuel was watching Carla from a distance. 'Just to make sure she was alright', he told himself. However, deep down he knew that wasn't the only reason. He didn't just watch her, he analyzed her every move. How she elegantly took a sip from her champagne. How she moved her hips to the beat of the music when she was dancing. How she kissed Yeray, how she hugged him. He hated it, still he couldn't stop watching.

There was something off with her, he knew it. He had seen her take drugs before, but this time he felt like she wasn't doing it for fun anymore. He was right, she felt miserable. All she wanted to do is forget. Forget the past and forget the future. The fact that she was stuck with Yeray for the next 5
years was slowly breaking her. Drugs were the only medicine, the only option. So when Rebeca came to her at the party she immediately bought it. Yeray had caught her, but honestly she couldn't care less. She could only stand him when she was high, and she made sure to tell him later that day. He was hurt and disappointed and left her dancing on her own. 'Fuck, I blew it' she thought. She looked around to find him, instead she found the boy she actually wanted. He was already staring at her, she didn't mind. They locked eyes for a few seconds, and Samuel saw it. Her dilated pupils, her smile that was almost to big to fit her face. She was high. 'This isn't like her' she thought. All he wanted to do is help her, keep her safe. But she wasn't his to keep safe. So when she looked away Samuel kept his eyes on her.

It was getting late but Carla didn't seem to slow down. She put the last of the remaining powder in her champagne and chugged it all in once. As soon as she swallowed it she became dizzy. Then it went dark. Samuel saw it all play out in front of him. He saw her fall in the pool. His instinct took over and he immediately jumped in the pool. He was holding her head up so she wouldn't inhale any more water. He called some boys over and demanded them to help him get her out. As soon as they were both on dry land his head started to spin, he couldn't believe that she would take it this far. It's so unlike her, she was always in control and when she wasn't she hated it. He knew that, so why the sudden change. He checked if she was breathing and if she had a pulse. She didn't have any of those two things. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He yelled to the by standers as he started CPR. Yeray came rushing next to her side but Samuel ignored him completely and continued with the CPR. He didn't think that their first time reconnecting their lips would be like this. After 7 minutes the ambulance arrived.The medics did some tests, she had a pulse again. Samuel sighed in relief. They took her into the ambulance, Samuel tried to get in as well. "Only family" the medic told him sternly. Samuel protested but the medic didn't budge. So Samuel jumped on his bike and rode as fast as he could to the hospital.

As soon as he reached the entrance he jumped off his bike and let it fall to the floor, not even bothering locking it. "Carla Rònson Caleruega, where is she" he asked at the service desk, still trying to catch his breath. "Let me check, she is still in the OR. Take a seat in the waiting area and I'll find someone to update you." Samuel nodded and walked towards the waiting area. He didn't sit though, he just kept pacing. He knew Carla's parents were in Dubai so he was safe from her father, at least for now. After 30 minutes a doctor approached him. "Are you here for miss Caleruega?" "Yes yes I am, is he alright? Is she okay?" He asked worriedly. "Yes she is fine. We pumped her stomach and she should be waking in the next 20 minutes. Would you like to see her?" Samuel sighed in relief, she's okay. He wouldn't know what he would've done is she died. "Yes please." He answered.

As they reached her room, his heart started beating faster. What was he about to see. He hoped she didn't look to rough, he didn't know if he could keep it together. The doctor openend the door and let him be. Samuel was frozen in the doorway, there she was, hooked up on all kinds of machines. He took a seat next to her and just looked at her. She looked like she was sleeping comfortably. Only then it hit him. She could've died tonight, he could've lost her. Tears started forming in his eyes, he let them fall. Gently he grabbed her hand and gave it a little kiss.

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