Different kind pt. 2

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This is part two of my last story
"Okay, let's start easy. Never have I ever slept with someone without remembering their name." Guzman started. Lu, Diego,Omar, Samuel and Guzman all put a finger down. They all took a sip and Samuel gave Carla a little smile,they sat across from each other. He knew she didn't like any of his past lovers but she knew about all of them. During the time they spent apart when they were both studying, they both learned some extra skills and got more experienced. Carla gave him a reassuring smile back, no worries.

"Next, Nadia it's your turn." Lu said, since she was sitting next to Guzman. "Uhm let me think" she said as she stared in the bonfire, thinking about an answer. "Okay I got one. Never have I ever received an 'I love you' and didn't say it back." Lu, Ander and Carla took a sip. "Lu when?" Omar asked. "Just some guy I hooked up with in New York, I got out of there as fast as I could." She giggled. "Ander?" Nadia just asked, he shrugged his shoulder. "Oh from Omar, I was mad at him." He said, Omar chuckled. Then everybody looked at Carla, including Samuel who was already looking.

The memory on the bridge at school was still hurtful, but it happened multiple times after that. At the beginning of their relationship, it was one of the reasons for that big fight. It took Carla a long time to open up all the way, while Samuel was ready as soon as they reconnected. He said the 3 words the first week they officially started dating, it took Carla about 4 months. When things weren't all smooth and happy, what happens in every relationship, he always thought about the time Carla took with saying it back. He was still insecure about it, and now it has been thrown in the group, for everybody to have an opinion about it.

She first took a big sip from the bottle and let it burn her throat. "Samu." She just said. Everybody looked shocked, they didn't know a lot about their relationship, especially how it started. But the fact that Samuel was rejected by Carla, was somehow unimaginable, they were always together. "Okay okay calm down, it was in high school when I fucked her over, of course she didn't say it back."

Carla glanced at him, she didn't know if she liked it that he only told about one of the occasions. Was he too insecure to let them know she rejected him on more than one occasion, was it hurting his pride? It wasn't like she was proud of it, but it happened, why did he feel the need to lie? Carla looked at him and Samuel did everything to avoid her accusing stare. Everybody saw it "It looks like there's more to that story." Lu said. "No leave it, Ander, your turn." Nadia quickly said, trying to keep the peace.

"Okay I have a nice one. Never have I ever kissed someone from the same sex." He smirked. Ander, Omar, Lu and Carla all took a sip. As soon as Carla and Lu looked at each other they bursted out in laughter, mainly due to the alcohol. Back in high school, when Lu was dating Guzman and Carla was dating Polo, they used to all go out. And when they got really drunk, Lu and Carla would make out sometimes. It wasn't something they were ashamed of but they didn't just go around telling everybody. "You two kissed?" Diego asked with a frown. Lu chuckled "Oh honey, not just one time. But no worries, she's not my type." She giggled as she gave him a quick kiss. Diego just chuckled, he thought Lu wouldn't do something like that, not that there was anything wrong with it. "Yeah, back in the days, one drop of alcohol and they would be all over each other." Guzman chuckled. Carla almost spit out the sip of tequila she just took. "Guzman don't you fucking lie, it was innocent." She chuckled. Guzman held his hands up "okay okay maybe I exaggerated a little." He said with a smirk.

"You kissed Lu?" Samuel asked once more. Carla looked at him, still a bit irritated from his earlier action. "Yeah, does it matter?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow. Everybody could feel the mood shift. Samuel swallowed, he knew this look all to well. "No, I just didn't know." He said as normal as possible. "Believe it or not, I had a life before I met you, you know." She said in an irritated voice. He scoffed "Oh believe me, I know." He responded. Carla was about to react with "What is that supposed to mean?" but was interrupted by Omar. "Okay that's enough of that. Samu, you're up." He said.

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